
If your friend's spouse...?

by Guest21311  |  earlier

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threatens to hit her or punch her does this classify as verbal abuse or physical abuse?




  1. when you say this, i know your talking about yourself due to other questions you posted on here. Yes this does classify as abuse and if you feel you can no longer take it and he is not changing, then girl you need to go. Leave his butt

  2. YEP!

  3. BOTH.. If he does it again call the copss.... SERIOUS MANIAC!!!

  4. Definitely-The guy's just machismo and needs his own *** kicked.

  5. both hun, he is mentally abusing her, and physically hurting her!

  6. if he threatens it, than it's verbal abuse. If he does it, it's physical abuse.


  8. Neither its a threat which is mainly emotional abuse. If he lays a hand on or anything on her than thats physical abuse. Verbal is where he constantly belittles her, calls her names, and so on. If you know him, go kick his butt and save her!

  9. it is classified as Domestic Violence and she needs to leave (with her children if she has them)......he needs to learn the difference between a woman and a doormat.......get her out of there.......

  10. both

  11. Verbal abuse

  12. think it's verbal unless he does it...

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