
If your friend was cheating would you tell?

by Guest65624  |  earlier

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If you had a good friend and you found they were cheating on their partner would you tell or just keep their secret?




  1. That would put me in a bad spot. I would have to have nothing at all to do with it. I do not agree with cheating at all. But I also don't believe in stabbing friends in the back either  

  2. It wouldn't' be my place to butt into their no.  

  3. no that us f 'd up

  4. Ask yourself one question: Would you want your friend to tell you? There's your answer.  

  5. Oh-hard one! I think I would tell my friend that it's not right and you say it needs to stop. Tell her/him that you want to hear nothing else of it or you will say something! Then-the pressure is off you!

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