
If your going to a new school how do you find friends?

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I just moved and starting a new school. Im nervous and don't know how to find a bunch of good friends.




  1. I've lived in 8 different places and been to 5 different schools - just relax, and talk to anyone who talks to you, chat to the people you sit next to in class and at lunch, you'll soon develop a group of friends - just be yourself.

  2. Join band! I'm not kidding. I went to a new school last year and every single one of my 8 BEST friends I met in band, and we couldn't be any closer. If you can't learn to play an instrument or there isn't a good band, join soft ball, volley ball, golf, tennis, or some other sport!

  3. this year my school has tons of new people coming in...

    like 40 kids

    one girl i was assigned to sit next to me

    was really quiet

    i asked her name and where she moved from.. but she said it like she was forced to...

    then another girl, she's very nice and loud... she didnt try to hide

    so i knew i'll become friends with her

    so, just dont  "be your self" be someone that people could relate to and have fun with..

    a fresh start is always good for every one!!

  4. i no how u feel i have gone to abt 4 different schools in the past 2 years soo yea i no... but the main thing u can do is to just be urself.  if u act like urself then u will find friends that enjoy the same things u love to do and talk about.  so yea just be urself. :P good luck

  5. play sports..i came from a catholic school to a public school and knew pretty much nobody..I played football and now i have a ton of friends from the team and around the school

  6. I have the same exact problem i start school in 2 days(but I'm in elementary school)I'm just meeting my only friends friends so I'm good u can do the same :-)

  7. start at lunch!you shouldn't feel scared,if you are,hers some tips...see if you can find a way to talk to,compliment them on their shirt,or shoes or ask a question or even ask to work favorite is the last one because you get to know each other and also you could end up being really good friends

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