
If your guy tries on one of your soft silky nighties and undies is it surprising that he would also enjoy?

by  |  earlier

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the feel of the material and prance around ? LOL

He did not look s**y, but it was hilarious to watch how a man reacts to wearing women's lingerie!




  1. no, most fabrics for men's clothes are quite harsh, so it's nice feeling something soft. Silk shirts are awesome.

  2. My husband did that once and yes! it was so funny! I laughed too. He is so masculine and the nightie was so tight on him. His arms looked so much bigger. it was funny but I told him if he ever wanted to do that again he had to buy his own. ( He never did).

    What happens between you & your guy should be spontainous and fun. if he starts borrowing your things you might want to take a closer look other wise just enjoy and don't be judgemental. Best wishes.

    Light & Love,

  3. I would say some men like to do that sort of thing, as they say the material is soft, and they like it, me, that would make me want to barf...if I caught my old man in my undies prancing around, I would prance his butt to the doctor!

  4. he was just having fun....don't worry about it....unless he starts doing it when you're not home

  5. buy him a pair of silky or smooth fabric boxers=problem solved.

          Most material that guys wear is harsh because it is ussually better material for harsher enviroments.

             Kind of how a wool sweater is really really warm but really uncomfortable.

  6. I hate that c**p. Mine had better be wearing briefs.

  7. This is ok one (1) time.  Do you understand?  Once.  After that, you got problems hun.

  8. "Prance around"?  You must be joking?

    People who feel the need to prance around have issues, and that applies to both genders.

    Growups don't "prance".  The dimwit timewaster would be left prancing alone.

  9. what's wrong with (almost) everyone?

    Firstly.. to answer your question.. no, it shouldn't be surprising. Everyone is different so naturally.. some will enjoy this and some won't.

    next first of all.. clothes DO NOT determine who is g*y and who isn't!! Some men choose to wear women's clothes (or maybe just underwear) and they can be either g*y or straight... and same goes for women wearing mens clothes.

    Choice of clothing and sexual orientation are 2 different and unrelated things! ..please remember this!

    ...and don't you think a guy who can do this is secure in his masculinity?? in.. he has nothing to hide. he can play along and not care if he's called g*y or not because he is confident in himself that he is straight.

    For everyone's information.. I'm a straight crossdresser. I'm a guy who likes girls and girls clothes! I know I'm straight and if someone suggested I was g*y I would be a little annoyed but in the end not care because I know im straight and no-one or nothing will change that... including women's clothes underwear and shoes!

  10. Now look.  Men deserve the luxery of silk underwear and pajamas, just like we women.

    Buy the guy some silk boxers and PJ's, and quit making fun of him on Y/A.

  11. I would find it hilarious myself, I like a man secure in his masculinity and with a g.s.o.h. :) Though the prancing might make me cringe lol!

  12. umm watch out the lingerie may not be the only thing coming out of the closet......

  13. somethin's up with him.

  14. u should be worried

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