
If your home was an archaeological site?

by Guest31986  |  earlier

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If you were an archaeologist in the future and were to visit the ruins of your home and see all the dishes and bottles and other things in the kitchen, assuming you dont know anyone who lived here, what might you decide about these people by solely looking at the items in the kitchen. What kinds of eating practice did they have? Did they have feast? How many people lived their? etc......





  1. They were a rich people with many different foods and such. The family was large.

  2. They would think that alot of drinking was going on!!!  I collect wine glasses, and shot glasses, always on display and always ready for use.

  3. Not a bad idea!

  4. I don't really know but if they looked in my kitchen they woulddn't learn much about my eating habits because all the pizza boxes and take away cartons woul have decomposed. I suppose that they would think that I lived on a liquid diet because it takes much longer for the glass in in beer and wine bottle and the metal in beer cans to degenerate.

    P.S. I live on my own.

  5. They were obsessed with water.

  6. why are u answering ur own question with questions dude......??

  7. For my dad's house it would look as if 1 very computer, creative guy lived there, that he was very interested in music (as evident from guitar piano), computers, books, television . . Plastic takes a while to erode so I'm sure it'd still be there if we just left it for hundreds of years.

  8. I would think:  they practiced international trade because of all the food, utensils and equipment that came from all over the world;  they were aware of the dangers of pesticides and genetically-modified foods because they had a great many organic products;  they did not have small children because of the lack of child-sized plates and glasses and because of the lack of cartoon-decorated prepared foods.

    I would think that their mixture of old and newer serving plates and utensils meant that several adult generations conributed to the items in the kitchen.  I would see that there are fewer every-day plates and glasses, and lots of company china pieces, and conclude that the inhabitants were a small number of adults who had big parties or family gatherings.

    I would be amazed at the variety of cooking/food prep equipment: pasta maker, juicer, mixer, waffle maker, blender, chopper, professional knives, etc., and conclude that they were gourmet cooks.

  9. By looking at the pkgs, they'd assume we ate healthy foods.  Not much junk in my kitchen.

    Looking at dishes, they'd assume that there were maybe 4 or 5 people here, instead of the 2 of us who eat here regularly.

  10. i would probably think these people must have been very unorganized, sloppy, bathed all the time, never feasted, but ate small meals through out the day, loved television and video games, cats, and christmas because the decorations stay up all year long

  11. I would this person must have been EXTREMELY color coordinated. haha It would look like a huge family lived there, although there is only 2 of us really.

  12. I would think, "jeez, four people lived here and the main source of nutrition popped up from the toaster. Thgat microwave has also seen better days."

  13. They liked Milk, V8 Fusion (assuming the labels survived); neither feasted nor were rich; though they had rich people give them gifts that were never used (as evidenced by their being in the box still in a closet)

  14. These people loved Italian food.

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