
If your hometown were dangerous and you feared for your childrens lives...?

by  |  earlier

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Would you do whatever it took to go to a place where you know they'd be safe?




  1. Absolutely! My children's health ans safety will always come first!

  2. Yes. My children come first. Always.

  3. I would move to a different town or state.

  4. move to another town, in my own country.  illegal alien rights advocists p**s me off.

  5. If I lived in an unsafe environment, I would not have had a child.

    But if you are referring to illegal immigration, I would rather keep my child safe in a legal way than by breaking the law, so I would find somewhere safe in my own country rather than illegally crossing a border.  

    Or, I would do what my great grandparents did at the turn of the 20th Century when they left Russia because it was unsafe - find a way to LEGALLY go to another country.

  6. Yes.  And I left Newark, NJ for those very reasons.

  7. All children can be somewhat of a pain at whatever age.

    But regardless of cost or inconvenience there is NOTHING that I would not do to ensure their safety, security, future and happiness.

    If you have a bad situation just leave...... it will work out in the end.

  8. If I had the money at the time, ofcourse I would.. anything for my children.

  9. Yes.  

    But when I got there, I would continue to do what it takes, rather than getting there and then trying to get welfare/handouts/sympathy.

  10. NO! I'd just buy a bigger gun.

  11. Absolutely!  There is nothing as important as the safety of your children, and there is no person more responsible for their safety than their parents.  That said, it's a challenge to find the best way to do this, as you are still responsible to house them, feed them, keep them in school, and so forth, all of which takes some kind of income.  

    Take the time to plan, decide where you want to go, look into employment, see if you can remain reasonably close to your support network (family, friends, church), or if you must go farther away...   Remember, there's always a ready-made support group in a church, and churches are always happy to see newcomers, especially children!

  12. I would in a heart beat.

  13. Of course,but I wouldn't sneak into another country to do it. There are many other safe places in my home country to take my family

  14. Yes I would.  Thank god me and my wife moved to an area we thought was suitable for raising children before we had any.

  15. Sure, why not.

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