
If your hospital was an hour away would you get a hotel?

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We live in the middle of nowhere and our hospital is an hour away.

Would you try and stay somewhere closer around your due date?




  1. Nope.  I would plan a home birth -assisted or not.  ALL women should absolutely be prepared to birth alone, things happen.  

    If your labour is too fast to get to the hospital then chances are nothing will go wrong.  Fast labours are almost always without complication.

    I suggest you start with "Emergency Childbirth" by Gregory White

  2. I know how you feel when I was pregnant with my babies(twice I had a single first then twins) the nearest hospital was an hour away.  I was suppose to be induced with my first but they told me when I got to the hospital that there were no beds at the moment but to stay close and they would call me when one was available I then went to my MIL house which is about 5 minutes away and went into labor on my own at midnight.  With my twins I stayed home until I went into labor even though I did not know it was labor.  I thought I had pregnancy induced high blood pressure so I call my husband to come home from work and take me to the hospital.  He worked an hour away(5 minutes from the hospital) and we had to drop our eldest at my MIL house then we went to the hospital.  There I unexpectedly found out I was in labor and was shipped off to the OR for a C-section.  I would stay home.  You will be more comfortable and it will save you money which you will need for diapers and other baby gear. Good luck and be calm.

  3. I had to go to a hospital an hour away to deliver (even though there's a more local hospital) because I have a heart condition and needed to be where they deal with high risk pregnancy.

    I did not get a hotel, I just prayed there was no traffic the day I went into labor (luckily there wasn't).  And with my second baby, my labor was induced  :)

  4. No. First babies typically take a while, certainly more than an hour. My son took 29hrs, I could have driven across the country before he made it out.

    ETA: That's the other issue, you would need to be in the hotel for potentially 4wks. 37wks-41wks. My son came at 38wks.

  5. Either that, stay with friends/family who live near a hospital (even if it's not the closest one to you), or look into a midwife.

  6. that depends ultimately on your history. Is this your first child? First labors are often long. Is this a repeat pregnancy and how long did your labors last before? And your comfort level and if you can afford (financially and mentally) to stay in a hotel for a undetermined amount of time.

    If my hospital was an hour away I would ask my doctor to induce me on a scheduled day but that is because I'm on my third pregnancy and my last two pregnancies I went from 4 to complete in one hour and my kids practically came out on their own. lol. Thank god my hospital is only like 10-15 minutes away. well, with the way my husband drives... 5 minutes. lol.

    But that is your decision. If you feel more comfortable being closer to the hospital, then do it.  

  7. No. But when u start your on your way.  

  8. i was under the impression that first babies take a lot, i wouldn't have been too worried about it...

    but, last month, i had my first baby and after my water broke, i had my son in 20 minutes! next time, i will worry a little

    my labor was not typical for a first baby, though...

    congratualtions and good luck! : )

  9. I wouldn't because its hard to know when you will go into labor.  I would start heading to the hospital at the first sign of labor though.

  10. No.My hospital was 45 minutes away & I didn't.I stayed home until I thought I might need to go to the hospital.I would've been a little more freaked out if I thought it was coming faster,but I still don't think I would've gotten a hotel unless I just really had a feeling too.

  11. no u can request a nurse or doctor to live near your house or stay in your house just in case. so when u have your baby u don't have to go anywhere cuz the doctor or nurse is close to u! and thats just an advice.

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