
If your house was burning and you could only save five personal items...?

by  |  earlier

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...what would those items be? Mine would be:

1. Cards and letters I have saved over the years

2. Family photo album from my childhood

3. A framed snapshot of my childhood dog

4. My jewelry box

5. My purse

Keep in mind, no people or pets remain in the home...just stuff.

I wouldn't save any recent photos of my children because other family members have copies of them. I would save things that I'm unable to replace.

Also, I know this is a devastating thing to happen and I'm not making light of it but rather thinking out loud about what personal items I would save.




  1. 1. My father's old high school English Lit book (he wrote throughout it).

    2. As many photo albums as I could carry.

    There really isn't much of anything else. Most of the books I have are easily replaceable. As a matter of fact, with the exception of some personal papers and yeah....i guess that would be #3, everything else could go up in smoke.

  2. 1. My laptop.  It's got every picture I've taken over the last 4 years on it, as well as my banking & bill information.

    2. Purse

    3. Jewelery box.

    4.  My wedding dress

    5. My pillow.  Yeah, laugh.  I've had the thing for over 20 years.  It's reduced to a little 8x8 square from its original full size, but it's like my security blanket.  Nevermind the fact that I'm almost 30.  I can't seem to part with it.

  3. iPod



    cell phone

    Rubik's cube (lol)

  4. Laptop

    CDs of photos

    Print photos

    Diskettes of novels

    Writing manuscripts

  5. 1 guitar

    2 violin

    3 amp

    4. zune

    5 keyboard

    ...yeah i like music

  6. i would save my


    3.My stash & charger

  7. you forgot all important documents, the rest of the list looks good,

  8. 1. Penelope, my very special ceramic fawn

    2. box of photos and mementos

    3. purse

    4. plush animal Sheltie

    5. jewelry

    Penelope is just one of my prize possessions. I've had her for decades. She was even on my wedding cake as a decoration.

  9. grandma's jewelery box phone (lolz) stuffed animals clothes....i wouldn't have money for more of my mom,brother, and sister-in-law

  10. my wii

    my ds

    my plasma tv

    my clothes!

    my wallet

  11. pictures of family and friends

    some books


    my memory box


  12. genealogy records





  13. 1) My baby brother(J/K) (never mind my I pod :) )


    3)My yu-gi-oh cards

    4)Favorite Clothes

    5)And anything else i cant think off right now....

  14. My Jewish star neclace witch has been passed down in my family for 200 years

    my prayer book

    my purse

    a handful of my clothes

    my iphone

  15. 1.  Photo Albums

    2.  Baby Books

    3.  My box of Pictures

    4.  Jewlery

    5.  Bible

  16. 1.a gun given to me by my grandpa(passed away) xbox 360 plazma tv wallet shoes

  17. This was really hard for me bc I don't save or hold on to things.  

    1. My daughters stuffed monkey (aka little sister)

    2. Metal lock box with important documents (ssn, birth cert, insurance)

    3. Purse

    4. Husbands hat (it was his grandfathers)

    5. Laptop (too much info)

  18. My wallet/purse

    My High School Diploma


    Safety box

    Boyfriends pic.

  19. 1. my family and friends pix

    2. my little file box w/ my ssc and birth certificate and other info

    3. my purse

    4. underware

    5. toothbrush

  20. My wallet, my medicine, keys to move my vehicle, cell phone and firesafe.

  21. My granny's china cabinet (its not really big), pixs, I would get as much of my art work out as I could.  And my Great grandfathers toy chest.  And my cats ( I have two cremated).    But the two passed down items would be the biggest and the cats and at least some pixs.

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