
If your house was on fire? What are a few things you would take before you lost it all??

by  |  earlier

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Mine would be......

A dolphin my 4th grade teacher gave to me from Europe. My blanket I had since I was a baby. My friends phone numbers. Baby pictures because you will never be a baby again. And my Bible.




  1. My Id, meds, car keys, then cell

  2. make sure everyone is out first including pets

    then..... grab pics.... can't replace pics of those that are gone...

    everything else can usually be replaced...

  3. i would try to save my kids then go back for birth cert. my fave family pic, my son's lighting mcqueen car cause its his fave, wy other children's picture projects and my husband's soccer team caps.  

  4. probably make sure my wife and son were with me......... the rest can be replaced :)

  5. I'd get my dogs out, show my uncle the way out ,grab my purse on the way & get as many pictures as I could.

  6. My dog

    My computer

    My photographs

    In that order.

  7. my mum

  8. My CD collection.  

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