
If your husband got dolled up as a woman for a day to prove a point could he count on you not laughing or?

by Guest57211  |  earlier

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telling any of your gabby friends about it ?

Also since the issue is about the comfort of women in dresses what stuff would I really need to wear with it to prove my point




  1. He did for Halloween but he's a hairy creature with a full beard so it was really funny. He complained about the wool socks stuffing his bra, having to walk in high heels and the difficulty of going to the bathroom with pantyhose.

    If you wanted a true experience you would need to wear bra and pantyhose along with a dress and high heels. To be realistic, dont forget to shave your underarms and legs plus paint your nails.

    Add to this piercing your ears, wearing makeup and carrying a purse. If only you could experience the monthly curse, the transformation would be complete.

  2. You should wear stockings with garter belts.  lol  And heels.

    I'd tell my best friends!!  And take pix.

  3. You are the same person who thought the world would be prettier with women wear high heels, dresses and panty hose. And now this? Believe me, the world wouldn't be prettier with my husband in women's clothing!

    If he did, I would definitely be taking pictures and telling everyone I know.

    I don't think they call them girdles anymore, but rather shapers. Definitely you should get a shaper (holds in bulges, you know!). Add to that some panty hose, a push up bra with wire underneath a slip and some very high heels. Don't forget the tight skirt with the slit up the side. These things are impossible to take big steps in.

    Then get back with us and let us know how comfortable your are. You need to wear this for an entire day. Go shopping, get some lunch, walk a lot, then report back. Have fun, sweetie!

  4. A girdle, hose,bra, slip, high heels, FUll make up, and any accessories that may go with it. It can be very tricky you know.  I think I'd be too embarrassed to tell anyone.  Well, maybe not.  I have 3 VERY close friends and we share everything----soooooo---------oh boy.

  5. No, I wouldn't tell anybody.  What my husband and I do privately is private.

    What you wear underneath depends on how much fun you want to have!  Fish net stockings with a garter...or if a girdle is more your style, go for it!


    It kind of depends on what you're hoping to get out of the experience...


    Edit:  *LOL* w/ Momma Jo!!!  Dang that's funny!  Yep, what she said!  But you have to shave ALL OF YOUR HAIR.  Put your make up on and fix your hair with a curling iron!!!!

    Oh please, then have your wife take pictures and share them on your 360 page!  I'd just enjoy the heck out of that!!


  6. Don't forget to wear a tampon if it's your time of the month!!!

    Either someone has no sense of humor or it feels good to them!!!  tee hee and ha ha!!!!!!!

  7. I wouldn't know my husband for a day.~ That's for sure.

    Mums the word here. ~~~~

    That would be embarrassing to me.

    I would not want to see him dressed like a woman.

    I would never again see him in the same light. ~~~~

  8. Hehe! Oh I would so enjoy seeing my husband in a dress! ROFL!

    Yes for sure nylons and high heels. But also a pretty full slip just so I could see how purdy, and feminine he would look! Mooohahahaha!

  9. At the risk of sanction and censure - don't you have anything better to do with your time? Seriously, I can't picture my partner wearing drag. Nor would I ever expect him to do so to prove a point - especially one so immature and childish.

    But then, he's very comfortable with his own place in the universe.

    Additionally gossip is extremely vile. I dont gossip, nor does he.

  10. I recently wore a slip under a skirt. Some dresses and skirts are lined, some are not.

    If my husband dressed up to prove a point, I'm afraid the point he would be making I would not find humorous. I don't think I could accept it if he looked better than I did in my clothes!  I would not tell my friends about it. No way.  

  11. Hi ya Jeff A.K.A= Why don't you get some of the clothes we wore in the 50 or 60s? like the can can or the hoop or the poodle skirt, Sweaters we turned around and buttons were in the back,

  12. Hey, I say live and let live!! And No, I wouldn't laugh..

    If you are going to dress as a woman for the day, wear loose fitting, and comfortable clothing! And wear a good wig, preferably something easy to style!

    If you wear make-up, use something with a mild base, to avoid an allergic reaction>. I would avoid heels if i were you! I won't even wear those damned things! So  go for comfort!!

    And enjoy representing the better half of the couple! ha ha ha


    Wow Jeff, I sure am ashamed of my fellow women:; they sure are NOT secure in their femininity if they can be so fricking judgmental! I think you must have an important point to make, if you are willing to go through all of this>>

    Hey ladies, what ever happened to support, your man? I mean it is not like he is a cross dresser, or something>>

    lighten up!!

    TSK, TSK, TSK!!!!

  13. I'm sorry, but you have not been clear as to what point you are trying to prove. Are you trying to prove that women's are or are not comfortable? It would help if we knew what point you are trying to make.

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