
If your husband lost a bet to his buddies in which he promised eithier you or he would dress as a French Maid?

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and be the beer wench at The opening football party; wouldn't you gladly take his place so that he would not have to look foolish?

I mean even though she had no say in the bet, don't women really enjoy wearing these sort of silly oufits that show off their leggs in nylons and fannies in the ruffled panties?




  1. I will dress him

  2. He made the bet. He can wear the outfit.  

  3. ohhhhhhhh...

    let me think...


  4. tell your spouse what size to get you. and also married women only want to wear the outfit in front of their husbands. not in front of his friends.duh!

  5. If he made the bet without my permission it's going to be all on him.

  6. If he was foolish enough to make the bet he should be prepared to look foolish in the costume.

  7. Hehe! Oh I bet you are going to look so CUTE in your dress and ruffled panties sweetie, bringing your wife her beers! LOL!

  8. hahaha

    If he made the bet he would wear it.  What type of man wants his women flaunting around in front of his buddies dressed like that anyway?  

  9. We wouldn't be having a party.  

  10. My hubby does not like football, so he can dress as the maid and serve us and take care of the kids while I watch the game!!!!!

  11. I'd let the guys vote to see who they wanted to watch serving and prancing around. If they said him, fine, I'd help him find something to wear. If they said me, I'd get all dolled up and play the part to the fullest. Of course, I'd make darn sure that I had my favorite snacks & beer too (hopefully my team would be the winning team and I could make a few dollars on a side bet!)

    And on a side note, he'd get the clean up detail!

  12. Sounds like you are objectifying your wife.  Do you really want your friends gawking at her?  Dont you think that stuff is private?  You do know your wife is not a stripper to entertain your friends in skimpy outfits right?

  13. nope. i will sit back and enjoy the show, and mean time ask him to bring me a beer. LOL.

  14. No I wouldn't.

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