
If your husband wanted to dip into your childs college fund...

by  |  earlier

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My hubby and I had a huge fight the other nigth because he wants to spend $3 000 on a motorcycle. The problem is that he doesn't have the money and wants to "borrow" it from our 16 yr old sons college fund. He insists he has a part time job lined up and that he will repay the money. I told him to save the money from his job and then buy his motorcycle. He is mad at me and hasn't talked to me for 3 days. I'm just worried that if the money isn't replaced my sons education will be what suffers. Who do you think is in the right here?




  1. YOU are!

  2. That's totally immature of your husband. Your son is 16- he will be going to college SOON! It's not like your son is 6 and you have loads of years to put it back. I would actually tell hubby to grow up.  

  3. NO.

    You are only being a good parent this way.You are RIGHT.

    Let him cool his anger off and talk to u when he's mature enough.

    good me answer this question!!

  4. I agree with you. It's hard to repay ourselves even with the best intentions. I stay out of my own savings account for that reason. It's easy to make excuses to dig into it, but not always easy to make ourselves pay it back.

    He can work and quickly earn the money at his second job t buy that motorcycle. If he wants it that bad, that's what he should do. I paid for mine out of my savings and it almost emptied it out...took a couple of years to put it all back but I finally did (every extra bit of money I got went into savings until I'd rebuilt my balance in there).

    Having a motorcycle is fun, and with the price of gas they are a bonus nowadays...but taking from the kid's college fund isn't the appropriate way for Dad (or Mom) to get the toys they want. The only reason I could see touching that money would be dire need (about to be foreclosed on, or no food on the table).

  5. Well, I definitely think you are right in this situation. Why should your son's education suffer for the sake of something that isn't a necessity? I think if he were being reasonable, he would at least wait until he had the money to buy his motorcycle. He insists he can repay it, so why can't he wait?

    Anyway, I'm sorry to hear that he's upset with you because of this. I think you should talk to him--maybe explain that you're not taking sides or whatever, just looking at the most reasonable answer/decision.  

  6. youre right...your sons education is more important than some motorcycle...

    if your husband wants to buy it he can save the money out of his paychecks...

    its not worth taking the chance that the money wont b put back into the college fund...

    your husband may be mad or pouting but he will get over it

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