
If your iguana doesn't let it self get handle what should i do?

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If your iguana doesn't let it self get handle what should i do?




  1. Really just handle it more, but handle it with care.

    How old is it?

    Sometimes they can be temperamental, but the more you handle them and give them love, the better they get.

    Don't give up, if you have to wear gloves for a bit till you both become comfortable with each other, do so.


  2.   Just pick her up. when she wiggles try to hold her still, make her relax then let her go. if she to big, then just pick her up, give food and put down. its gonna take time

  3. Taming an iguana takes a long time, even if you do everything properly. The normal acclimation time of an iguana is one year, so be patient. First, don't put your hand right over it. Iguanas' natural predators are birds, and they have a 'third eye' on their heads that sense when something is above them. Naturally, if they think you're a big, scary monster who wants to eat them, they'll get scared and bite/tail whip you.

    Try sitting your hand near the opposite end of the cage ans slowly inch your way towards it. If it seems fine, stroke it lightly. If it gets relaxed, it may close one eye, but leave one open to survey you. At this point, you can either remove your hand slowly or continue.

    If you continue, place your fingers under its belly and lift it up. If it bites you, stay still, as iguana teeth are very sharp and can rip your skin. Even if it fights and tail whips you, don't let it down, because that'll make it think it can get its way by throwing a fit.

    Try this method, easing your way into the steps, for a while, and your iguana will eventually become more relaxed around you. Whatever you do, don't rush into things! Just like with any human or animal, building trust takes time. Have fun with your new pet!

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