
If your in home school and your a freshman you transfer when your a sophomore do they start you over to a?

by  |  earlier

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  1. No, they don't. Most highschools don't accept homeschool "credits" unless they come from a recognized virtual or charter school or something, but they will either give you a placement test to determine what grade you belong in, or put you in the grade you should be in and determine if you get credit for the previous year by reviewing your grades at the end of the first grading period, or something similar. That last method is what they used for me when I tried going back to public school... but really it wasn't worth it for me.

  2. No, they don't. Most high schools will test and put you where you need to be for math, science, etc. High school is different than middle school, in that people break out of their age groups and start attending classes based on ability (general science vs biology) etc.

  3. not necessarily. if you have kept up to date with ur studies their is no reason that the should demote you

  4. You will have to take a placement test. If you can document your credits from homeschooling, most schools will accept them. If you cannot prove that you took the H.S. credits & passed, you may have to repeat them. Talk to the H.S. counselor for your schools policy.

  5. it all depends on how many credits you needed to be qualified as a sophomore! if its the same amount of credits at both schools then you will be!

  6. i argree with sanD

  7. Just make sure that your transcript is up-to-date!!  Whatever classes you took as a freshman will still be included on your high-school transcript and you will be a considered a sophomore  It is no different than transferring from one public school to another.

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