
If your in the ghost bustin biz, have U ever heard a real successful EVP message?[from the 'other'side]?

by Guest60159  |  earlier

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please explain, ty




  1. yes, there have been sseveral.

  2. "Someone" DID talk to me in loud thoughts in rhymes/poems. Maybe they did it in rhyme to prove to ME that it wasn't just thoughts. Of course that didn't one believed it anyway...they all thought I should "take credit" for what I wrote...even though I was only writing what I "heard" (and I never knew what the next word would be). So see..even if skeptics have it "proven" to them...they still won't believe. So..give it up..trying to convince them. I wouldn't have believed it either if it hadn't happened to me.

  3. no I have never heard a real good clear EVP and I have been doing this for years. I have recorded EVPs, but have thrown them out. I have stated in the past, I dont save anything that is not clear and understandable. I dont save pics that arent really good evidence and I dont save recordings. When the day comes this happens, I will be the first to show it to anyone interested. I dont walk around asking questions and I dont like doing them with people running around. My method is rather simple. I leave my recorder on VOX and walk away making sure nobody is left in the building or in the area. That way if something does come up. We can rule out any real voices or noise, leaving only what wasn't there when we left the site. In other words, I am trying to control the environment around the recorder. I believe this is what science is looking for, evidence under controlled conditions one can duplicate.

  4. Three years ago  someone I know passed away from Cancer.  About one month later his girlfriend of twelve years received a message on her answering machine.....she made a copy of it .   It was the voice of the person that was his was very eerie......It was very the background you could hear static frequency ....his voice would trail off a little.....the message was not real clear but between 3 of us we figured out the message...."I've been gone awhile"  "I'm  alright"  "Tell the kids.I love em"......then it was gone.......very she still has the copy.   It was proof there is life after death.....but I knew that already from other strange phenomena.

  5. I have picked up some strange voices saying even stranger things.  I have picked up allot profanity, and rude remarks.  I have never got a direct answer to a question asked. Some you can't even understand. I can't even be sure that I wasn't picking up a CB radio or the like.  I haven't made up my mind on EVP's yet. There is something going on, but what it is????

  6. yes, a friend of mine gets class a evps all the time.  there was one taken in my basement.  it says 'i clean' to my friend because he had made a comment prior saying someone should clean this basement.

  7. Many para investigators have heard audio clips they are convinced are messages from dead people.  (I attribute this to auditory pareidolia.)  What I would like to know is, why don't spirits who have something to say just come out and say it?  What's with all of this, "Ben is good" and "pasdfhfheh Get out asdjfjosadlj" stuff?

    Oh, and you are = you're, not your.

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