
If your in the marines and your mother has just been diagnosed with cancer and she doesn't have med insurance

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and is not married would the person in the military be able to claim her so that she could use your medical?




  1. I was willing to do this with my parent to help her out.

    The JAG officer said that it is possible only if I claim her as a dependent.  She would then have to be dependent upon me.  

    Ask the JAG:

    1.  She place her home in an LP with a life estate.  Will this allow me to claim her?

    2.  If yes, how do we do it?  (I have forms on my website, www.EndlessLegacy.US)

    3.  If no, what must additionally be accomplished?

  2. I have two very important pieces of information for you.  Make SURE you follow up on this:

    #1: TREATING CANCER: On the news a while back it was found that Swedish scientists found that human breast milk kills cancer.  It was first discovered to kill cells in a petri dish, but then it was found that people who drink it have also had some success in fighting off cancer.

    You need a prescription and it's not cheap to obtain, but it works.

    #2: Watch the movie "Sicko" by Michael Moore - They EVENTUALLY get around to healthcare in OTHER countries - and how to go get it, so you might be able to get treatment elsewhere.  While I don't condone theft or fraud, if it's a matter of life & death I'll make an exception.

  3. No, you might be able to claim a wife our children under 24 but not a parent. If she could get married to someone who could cover her she could get coverage but I don't see any other way.

  4. You can do it, but you will have to prove that you provide more than 51% of her support to claim her as a dependent.

    My hubby did it for my mother, so it can be done - just a lot of paperwork to file.

  5. I don't think so. But look into it more. Sorry and good luck.

  6. Nope, sorry.

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