
If your kid gets drafted by your least favorite team do you change your allegiances?

by Guest64352  |  earlier

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If you're a Wings fan and he's drafted by the Avs or Pens fan and he's drafted by the Flyers etc..

I do..If my kid goes to the Rags I would either start cheering for them or change my last name but thats me..

How aboot you?




  1. Did you have a horrible dream about the annoying Umberger parent interview interruptions during the playoffs?

    I am sure most of us were yelling at the television,"We get it! You guys were Pens fans, but now you support the Flyers because of your son!  Get back to the freaking game!"

    I would support anything my kids did...except for drugs and whatnot.  My parents didn't support a few things in my life, and some of those "few things" I regret not doing now.

  2. If by alegiances you mean kids. Yup. No friggin' Sens fans in this house !!!!! Final answer !!!!!

  3. I'm 15 right so kids are still a long way to go but if I had my son drafted by the Sens, I would cheer for the Sens except when they play the Leafs. If my kid had a problem with it then too bad, cheering for the Sens is hard enough.

  4. If I had a kid. He was lucky enough to get into the NHL. I would root for him and his team. Even buy a jersey. Of course mom should have son get her one anyway. But I would still love my favorite team. But always root for the child no matter what.

  5. giggidy, giggidy, giggidy, I'd change my allegiance to his team for a couple of years so he can sign a big bux contract with the "favorite" team once he becomes a free agent. giggidy.

  6. wow thats hard. i guess you pull for both teams until they play each other. then i guess you get loaded and just see what happens

  7. Family always wins out after all blood is thicker than ice water.

  8. Since it is just a business and Hockey Parents are usually fans of the game their allegiance is tied to the players and not the Logo. So they will remain fans of their children.

    The Primeaus found staying as Leaf fans was easier than cheering for their sons' teams. Mr. and Mrs. Staal have a real problem. The Neidermyers were happier when Rob signed on with Anaheim.

    Parents of players at that level have a wide range of players, coaches, scouts, etc. that they know and follow. They cheer for the kids that they have watched grow and blossom through the years. They are different from you and I. They know and appreciate the fine parts of the game and applaud that.

  9. I certainly would, Joe.

    If my kid was drafted by the Canadiens, I'd disown him and adopt the Flyers first pick as my new son.....

  10. Ronald who Lity?, never heard of the guy. Guess the people in his hometown will have to "Sault" (pronounced Soo up there) me lol

    I'd be happy to see the commitment pay off (pun intended) and wish him all the best. Most players get traded at some point in their careers or leave via free agency, it's not like he'll be a Leaf or Bruin forever. I might be tempted to do a Lindros thing and say, "Mon garcon, veux-tu vraiment jouer dans une ville anglaise?" (My son, do you really wanna play in an Anglophone city?) lol I'm kidding! I'm kidding!

  11. That's a tough one good Question Joe. IDK I think I would cheer for my son but not his team. Honestly if my boy was on the Rangers I would go to as many games as I could but chances are I'd still be wearing my Devils hat. But hey, competition is this sports highpoint anyhow.

  12. You're killing me Joseph. I guess when it comes down to it, Baby Freckles comes first...but if he goes to Ottawa I'm gonna pout a little bit.

  13. If my kid got drafted for the avs i wudnt cheer for his team i wud cheer for him but im sorry son if you played the wings i wud cheer for the wings and not him.. but thts all fun and games with my son lol

  14. You should become a fan of the team...

    But if you get picked by a team you don't want to be on, then you can get traded...

    Plus half the players get traded some how anyways...

  15. If I'm Bobby Carpenter's dad I the early 80s, Bobby Carpenter was going to be the American Gretzky, was on the cover of SI as a high schooler etc...........and the Carpenter family was looking forward to Bobby having  a lifelong career as a Hartford Whaler (note: He lasted longer than they did).

    On draft day, Washington decided that he would be the perfect complement to Dennis Maruk and Ryan Walter and traded up to draft him.  This enraged the Whalers (where Bob's dad was seated on draft day) and the entire Carpenter family (the Whalers were forced to select some no-name guy from the OHL - Ronald Francis or something like that................) who got up and stormed out of the forum without going up to the podium to acknowledge the draft (this was before TV).

    Two days later after trying to talk his son out of going to Washington, Washington offered Carpenter Sr a scouting job............suddenly it was 'Hartford was too small a market for my kid anyway!" and the rest was history.

    Actually, if my son was good enough to play in the NHL, it would be best of luck................against every team but Chicago.

    Not sure what happened to that Francis guy, rumour has it he made it to the Hall of Fame in one of the greatest induction classes ever............but again...........just a rumour

  16. I would be angry but I wouldn't make him change teams or anything because my son would be in the NHL! I wouldn't really care where he went as long as he saw some playing time in the NHL.

  17. Depends on my last name, if it is Lindros then the answer is a resounding no, I convince my kid to sit out and refuse to play for the Bruins.

    I think I certainly support and cheer for the team he is on however I know I would remain a Habs fan.  heads up his team against the Habs in the finals would be tough..... with any team let alone the hated B's.

  18. Well i would still root for my favorite team unless we would play his team then i would root for him and i'll root for his team just wouldn't be a #1 fan of that team just a #1 fan of him.

  19. my son loves hockey but he wants to  do something else with his life but yes i will have to change teams if he played for any NHL team it would be my 2nd fav team because im never changing my 1st favorite team. im a loyal leafs fan no mater what happens.

  20. I would just start cheering for both teams. Say I had a kid and he played for the Flyers.......well I'm not ditching my Pens. Why would I? I think I'd just be a Pens fan and a Flyers fan. I'm sure people would understand once I told my story. =b

  21. Absolutely.  Having a kid playing for a team is the best reason there is to root for that team.

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