
If your kid was born at this century...?

by Guest56758  |  earlier

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...what whould you say to her/him?

I would say: welcome to the age of total environmental decay, where everything is genetically engineered and big giant companies are controlling our lives...

Your precious opinion????




  1. sorry, but the things you listed are part of what allows us to live the lives we do.  Life as we know it would not be the same without it.  And what do you mean, "total environmental decay".... that sounds like a pretty ignorant comment.  Everything is genetically engineered?  Name one thing that we use in our daily life that is "genetically engineered", DO NOT mention anything we produced using natural selection.

    Big giant companies controlling our lives?  No companies are telling me what to do.  They provide food for us because its hard for us to make it ourselves on our own land.  They provide consumer goods for us, and they provide what they think people want...  how is that in any way, shape or form, control over us?  If there is something we want, some entrepreneur will provide it for us.  

    Oh, now I see, You are a Russian raised in Greece.  What exposure have you had to genetically engineered..anything,  and what big companies are controlling your life?  Why are you making a generalization about america, do you assume you know how everyone lives and thinks in america?

  2. ya Im with you this century is all about environment destroying. I mean come on people cant you at least recycle or stop throwing your trash all over the place? This isnt rocket science or anything! This is common knowledge here!

    this is my opinon.

  3. I would say "Kid, you get an awesome opportunity that is even bigger for you than it was for my generation. YOU and YOUR fellow peers get the chance to contribute and save the world from decay, pessimism (a-HEM, Mr. Grumpy-pants) and make it overall a better place for YOUR kids to live someday. Way to go kid, you are going to make an impact on this world and a difference in people's lives." Nothing like a little genuine encouragement and guidance and wisdom to kick start their brand-new lives in this world, instead of bashing their incentive. Hey, don't be so down. If the world's going into decay, do something about it, and don't forget to smile, so you don't scare people away from your ideas. It really works to be friendly every now and then.

  4. I would apologize.

  5. I would and will say to my kids...

    "You should be very thankful that you live in this country which takes care of the environment really well compared to say... hmm... whats it called... Well... Any Communist country you can name.

    And in this country your free and have the opportunities to become whatever you want to be. Not many people have that. It's called CAPITALISM.

    But some people are taking control of the media and world organizations and governments to suck our wealth dry just because they are jealous and too lazy to make the wealth in their own country.

    Some of these use tactics like trying to implement a global tax on a harmless element or forcing the rest of the world to go against us but in the end, we will win... like we always do."

  6. Overpopulation is much to blame for the state of the world. I have chosen to not have children.

  7. If my kid was to be in this century, looking like it is right now.?????? i would  try not to bring a child into this world where there will only be hardships to follow. At this point, the world is falling apart tremendously.....I couldnt ever think of bringing a child into this century...........

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