
If your kid won't go on fun rides at an amusement park, is it wrong to get a kid from Big Brothers who will?

by Guest65992  |  earlier

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I'd like to go on some of the fun rides, but the kid won't -- even though kids much younger than her do.




  1. nope those kids don;t have a dad figure so it is good that you wanna do that for them ,,  

  2. Is this kid your child? If so, why don't you respect her boundaries like a good parent? And if she's your little sister, then it's still the same deal. When you're spending time with her, respect her needs, and go on the fun rides when you don't have to be in charge of her.  

  3. I imagine you must be registered as a Big Brother in order to be allowed to "get" a child assigned to you(?).  The fact that you like to go on some of the fun rides has nothing to do with a child - does it?  If you want to go on the rides - get someone to babysit your child/brother.  Some children are more fearful than others - age has nothing to do with it and you would be wise to not compare.

  4. You must be a step parent. No real parent  calls their child "the kid " .Why not do the child a favor and just ask where he/she would like to go for a day of fun. Some kids actually like just going to a local park or museam . Save the amusement park for your friends who you can hangout with instead of using another kid and making them feel awkward all because your not having fun.

  5. no, and that would be a a nice thing to do. you would be helping out a kid and the kid would be helping you, too. just think of the difference you could make in someone's life! of course, you know, you would be expected to spend more time with him than just whenever you go to an amusement park. ; P

  6. Go yourself.

    Take a neice, nephew, cousin, or neighbor.

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