
If your landlord asked you to clean a dump how much would you charge?

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there is **** everywhere and its gross bugs maggots flies galore a full apt full of **** it is 20 hrs of work what you charge and should i charge by the hour ...would it make a difference if the ppl u are cleanin up after used to p**s on ur door put cat **** under ur welcome mat they were crackhead and pill junkies who were pigs from h**l plz help thanks




  1. How about for a minimum of one month's rent free.  Or two.  Plus your landlord can pay for all the equipment and supplies needed, including safety gear and a dumpster.  And your land lord should take out health insurance in case you get sick from exposure to something.  Get your agreement in writing, signed.

    If by any chance this was a meth lab don't go anywhere near it.  Very toxic stuff abounds in such places.

    Bottom line.  Your safety and health comes first.  If you are not professionally trained and properly equipped to deal with this, then don't.  Be well.

  2. I would charge hazard wages. Going into that type of environment could effect you. I would charge at least $18.00 an hour. Make sure you also wear gloves and one of those germ masks. Gross. I once moved into an apartment with a guy who lived there several months before me, when I got there he didn't do the dishes for 4 months, the sink was full of maggots.

  3. 12 dollars an hour

  4. I just did one similar and charged $35 an hour.You may need to find a helper to get the rough stuff and pay them accordingly.I would see if you could find a teen and pay at least $15 cash and pass the cost along.

    I would say there is always the possibility that needles may have been used there,so use caution.Follow a good safety plan,you may wish to bomb the place first for the bugs,I would let landlord do that (liability).

    Hey,it's a job and somebody has to do it.

    My Best

  5. $650. It's a lot of work just smelling a trashed place.

  6. Minimum of $50 per hour. Maybe more.

  7. I would definatly charge $1000

  8. ew, no. F*%$# that.

  9. $700.  That's $35 an hour...that is so nasty.  You have to stomach it and be able to keep that smell from hitting your nose. Ewwwww!

  10. You need to charge him hour plus labor. I would charge $20 per hour, and for labor I don't know how they charge for labor. It should be your landlord job to clean up the dump. You need to look at your rental agreement, because if it his job his need to do it. And you need to call the city on him. If you do it and you get sick or hurt. He won't get in trouble.

  11. At least $20 an hour, and plz wear protective clothing, gloves, resperator, boots, etc, the OSHA, and EPA wouldn't be happy if they found out.

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