
If your landlord gives you a notice to leave the house, reason is housing benefits not paying full, what u do?

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I live with my aunty and she moved out, I am sick and claim incapasity and income support, but am 24, what will happen, and can the landlord call the police to get me out

am scared




  1. Find another place to live a quick as you can.

  2. I am kind of confused but if the question is what I think it is ...

    if you are living in a Section 8 home and they are not paying the full amount of rent that is due you are responsible for the remaining balance of the rent and if that is not being paid I believe that they have the right to evict you after so many months of the remaining balance are left unpaid.  I am not 100% certain but I think so ...

  3. With a private tenancy there is often a shortfall between your Housing Benefit and your rent. You remain responsible for meeting this cost.

    You should contact your local council as a matter of urgency to tell them you are under threat of eviction and you will be treated as homeless and offered accommodation

  4. if it was me i would get in touch with the housing benefits and find out if they are paying your landlord the full rent if not ask them why if not then you will have to pay the extra.if the worse hapens then he will have to give you at least 1 months notice

  5. it is a civil matter so the police will not be called.

    however i am a landlord and we have a tennant who is not paying us in a very similar situation to yours and we have issued her a section 21 notice to quit which has been and gone and are now going through courts to get her out.

    we are now skint and will be further out of pocket by at least £575 plus baliffs if she still doesn't move out PLUS £1500 in rent.

    in addition we asked her to move out last august but she could not be bothered and we wanted to sell the house last year when it had a market value of over £140,000 - it is now worth a little over £100,000 (£4000 less than we paid for it).

    why don't you just move out to somewhere more affordable?

    my wife sits and cries night after night and has done so for the last 3 months.................................

  6. You have to make the shortfall up out of your benefits, or yes they can kick you out.

  7. find an Internet based job that you an do from home and pay the shortfall out of your own money. and come on be serious your telling us that you would put your self on the streets rather than a hostel because of a cat. get a grip

  8. if you are on incapacity benefit they will only pay a percentage of your rent, you would have recieved a letter stating the difference you need to pay, you can try and make arrangments with your landlord but thats at your own risk, if yo arent paying rent then they are well withing theor rights to remove you.

    Is there no one who can temp take your cat off your hands while you stay in a hostel??

  9. Yes, the landlord is not getting paid so he can get you to leave.

    If ou refuse to obey a court order to leave, the baillifs will be called and if you create a breach of the peace the police will be involved.

    The solution surely is for you or your aunt to pay the landlord his rent. The tax payer, through housing benefit, is paying some, why don't you and your aunt pay the rest?

  10. You dont say how much the housing benefit have agreed to it part of the rent? If so you are meant to make the rest up from your benefits...if you dont then yes...the police or baliffs will come and put you and your stuff out.

  11. You should have found out how much Housing Benefit you were getting paid, as there is sometimes a shortfall if it's a private let.  The shortfall is supposed to paid by the tenant.  If this isn't paid, you will acquire rent arrears.  Sadly, the landlord then has the law on their side and yes they can get a eviction notice to have you removed from the property.

    Maybe it's time to start looking for somewhere else to stay.  Local councils may be able to help in rehoming you.

    Good luck.

  12. if they try and evict you housing benefit or LHA will contact your landlord to come to some sort of arrangment.

    its a tough life and you may have to find a job like everyone else,without being rude its now time to grow up. contact the council get them to sort it out.

    i know you say your ill and that but iv know many people in my life that have been ill and still worked, my elderly grandparents volunteer 4 days a weeks and there both 80!

    you can work 16 hours a week and still get some benefits including LHA but atleast then you will be contributing to society. i hope everthing works out for you.

  13. Right. Over a year ago I was on incapacity benefit and child tax credits and because of what I was receiving was over the rate which they felt I needed to live on, I had to pay a small amount of the rent and council tax.

    This is what it sounds like has happened to you. You should have received letters from housing benefit stating how much of your rent they would pay. You then should have made it up with your money.

    Please get immediate advice from shelter or citizens advice. They will be able to help you in what to do next.

    And also a cat is not a good enough reason not to find somewhere else to live. Noone is going to grant you the right to stay there because of a cat. That is the way it goes. Think about yourself

  14. your only option is to top up the payments or apply for council housing/housing association as an emergency thats if there are any left after they have all been sold!

    ther is nothing you can do benefits for housing are paid to a maximum level if you chose to live in a more expensive place its up to YOU to top up the difference.

    sorry but thats life. I moved to cheaper accom to live within my means. and sometimes its the only option!

  15. Go and get help immediately. You should either go to your local Citizens Advice Bureau or contact your local Shelter office. Shelter run the National Housing Advisory Service and are the experts in this subject.

  16. Pay your rent or leave.

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