
If your least favorite player was traded or signed to your team, would you root for them and like them?

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If your least favorite player was traded or signed to your favorite team, would you root for the player and like the player? Or would you not like them even though they are on your team?





  1. If the player plays hard for the Astros and leaves everything on the field to earn the win. I respect that even if I hate the player.

    If he doesn't I would not root for him.


  2. Yeah, probably.  Think about it.  You might not like the person before because they're on your team's rival, but then they've betrayed the team you don't like to come to yours!! :)

  3. root for him to clean up his act!

  4. yes if he has enough courage to leave his team (which usually is the reason why I hate him) and come to us to backstab them

  5. i like my team over all, so I would root for that player

    in reality I don't really hate any player, so it wouldn't be that tough for me

  6. I've already had to deal with that when AJ Pierzynski was with the Twins. I wouldn't like to relive that, thanks.

    I would root for him of course since he is playing for us, but I wouldn't like him, though. His attitude is enough to drive anyone mad, and make them dislike him.

  7. yes, it's all about team pride. even though this is a baseball question i have had this happen when TO came to the Cowboys. The Astros on the other hand like to work the reciprocal by getting rid of all my favorite players.

  8. Im a Mets fan so if i see either Reyes or Wright go or Delgado or Church or anyother player i would still like the Mets

  9. i would root for them to do well simply because the are on my team, but i would not change my opinion on them.

    for example

    if a-rod ever went to oakland (i know this wouldnt happen its only for example) i would still dislike him more than any other player, i would just root for him to produce.

  10. I mean, I'd want him to do well, but there's no way I would go out and buy an A-Rod jersey and suddenly become an A-Rod fan. I've disliked him for a pretty long time. Seeing him in a Red Sox uniform wouldn't really change the fact that I dislike him. It would just change the fact that I want to see him do well.

  11. Depends on how good he is playing!

  12. i was asked this question many times when they asked if bonds was signed by the A's, would i root for him? and my answer is that no i wouldnt root for the guy, but at the same time i wouldnt root against him. id let him do his thing and hope for the best cause thatd mean he would be helping my favorite team.

    but my opinion of the guy would remain the same.

  13. I dont care WHO it is i will root for ANY player that is on my favorite team....whether it be bonds, clemens, even jose canseco!

  14. i would never root for a.j. pierzinski. but the twins would never play him because we already have mauer and redmond.

  15. I will root for that person but I wont like him. If hes up I will cheer him on.

  16. Yes cuz Most people dont like The people cuz they are rivals but if the rival is on the team and are VERY good

  17. i'd root for him. still will not be his fan but he's on my team now. he better do a good job though.

  18. Barry Zito cause he sucks

  19. I would want to see them do well and succeed only because their struggles will effect my team. But I wouldn't become a fan. No buying any jerseys or holding up signs for the player at games.

  20. Yea I would.  Heck i would love to see John Lackey in the green and gold wouldnt you? lol.  But yea, the players i hate the most tend to be the most talented too.  The only guys i would not like on my team would be huge drug users, Elijah Dukkes, etc.

  21. i will root that person like i do to everyone who players  in my fave. team.

    they will get better some how

  22. As long it helps my team I really don't care.

  23. I dont root for one player. I root for the team. And last time i checked, 1 player doesn't over power the rest of the team.

    Peace for all!

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