
If your license plate is no longer assigned, but still on your vehicle, do they know who you are?

by  |  earlier

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If you have an old license plate on your car and get a parking ticket, would they actually fine that old plate? It's my brother's old car and has his old plate (he has a different one now)...I need to change it to my plate today.... But I'm wondering, if I get a ticket, would my brother have to pay for it even though it's not his plate anymore? Do they still have his records on file? I live in Alberta...




  1. I think we need to clarify this - If you live in Alberta all license plates are registered to an owner. While your brother may have new plates his old plates are still assigned to him. Whether you get a parking ticket or a photo radar ticket those plates are still assigned to him unless he has reported them stolen.

    Even if you get pulled over and ticketed those plates are still assigned to him as is the car until you go to the registry office and change the registration over. The ticket, if you are stopped by RCMP, Edmonton or Calgary police will be your ticket for whatever infraction you committed. AT the Registry Office you will be supplied with new plates and registration  providing you  have valid insurance and your brother has signed the back of the vehicle registration along with a copy of the bill of sale or letter stating he's giving it to you..

    When you get your new plates your brother should turn in his old plates along with registration, stickers and ID to the Registry Office to prevent anyone from using them illegally because he will be responsible. He will be refunded for the portion he didn't use minus the fees.

    To double check there is the website to Alberta Registries:


    Alberta Service - Vehicle Division

    Hope this answers your question.

    Good Luck

  2. when the Police pull you over, or just issue you a ticket they are going to run your plate details.  When they do that, it is going to come back as a Stolen/Unassigned plate then they will immediately tow your car away.

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