
If your life was falling apart would you seek help from a professional?

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If your life was falling apart would you seek help from a professional?




  1. I did today :( had to before it was too late.

    It's better to get it while it's just starting,i let it brew until i exploded.

  2. No in my situation i dont need proffesionals as i have a religion which can support me & i have a huge family an loads of friends.

    No need for pros

  3. Yes, I would, plus it's better to talk to someone who is outside the situation.

    Sometimes all we need is a rest, more sleep, good food & a sensible lifestyle.

    Sometimes, we can be feeling alone.

    I believe praying is good, plus having a mate.

  4. Mine was and I did, I don't regret it either. I learnt so much from it, about life, people, the world in general and myself. There's nothing better than knowing you have the strength to overcome whatever life throws at you, especially when it comes from within.

    I don't understand why people are so scared of doing so, the professionals job is to help and that's exactly what they do (after all they earn a living out of it). Its a lot better to fully understand any problems you may have and resolve them, rather than rely on a crutch or ignore it.

  5. A professional what?  Life rebuilder?  Be careful.  Most of them are nuts, and the biggest drug pushers around.

    Michael W, you crack me up.

  6. yes went through a really tough time and even though i have a brilliant family and friends i found that professional help did help me..if you need help don't be afraid to take it..what works for some doesn't always work for your own instincts

  7. if the financial aspect is of no issue and other options arent working, of course I would.  My life did fall apart in 2004 and I havent really gotten back to where it used to be.  Things happen in life that you cant control.  These people that go around acting like everything is perfect are nothing but fake people.  Everyone has problems

  8. If it was that bad Yes I would

  9. No.

    Time and belief in ones self will mend many wounds.


    Michael, havn't you sold that lawnmower yet?

  10. No I just got married and finished it off completely.

    Anyone want a lawnmower ?

  11. Personally, no as I have a supportive family to turn to.  If I did not have this support network, I am not sure, but I think I would try to stay strong because I believe "what hurts you can't kill you"  and mostly makes you stronger.  Anyway it will all be irrelevant as time goes by.

  12. No. I always go by instinct and usually work it out myself. I know who I can trust and if desperate would go to them for advice and support.

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