
If your making a right turn on a red light, do you have to stop completly or just yeild to incoming traffic?

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This is IN Minnesota




  1. Yes. If you have a red light that means someone else has a green, and that could potentially cause you danger. Stop completely, and figure out which signal has a green. Then you may proceed with caution.

  2. You still have to stop completely. It is a red light. You may go only when it is safe to do so.

  3. Yes, you have to stop!!!! You are breaking the law by not stopping, unless there are barriers protecting you from oncoming traffic along with a "continuous right turn with caution" sign (which is rare  - we only have one of these intersections in town).

  4. Stop.  Look.  Turn if it's safe.

  5. it's a stop light/sign, you must completley stop for 3 seconds before proceeding.

  6. You must perform a complete standing stop.  Tires MUST stop rolling.  After that point you may make the turn ONLY if it is safe to do so.

  7. yeild to oncoming traffic

  8. if it does not say yield to on coming traffic you have to stop.

  9. STOP completely...!!!!

  10. In NYC, only few signs that permitted turn on red.

    In Akron, OH, turning right on red is permitted.

    Yes, in order to follow that, you must stop completed to see if there are no passengers or cars coming from both way. If cars coming from your left on two-way street, wait until cars are pass, and wait until it clear, then turn right when it is clear.

  11. your supposed to stop but ppl never do

    also some signs say NO turn on red watch for that.

    be careful ppl behind you get "use to" everyone not stopping so If your going to stop do it gradually and look to see how close the car behind you is following.

    you should always yield to oncoming traffic.

    be especially cautious when your turning left, as 99.9% of accidents will be blamed on the person turning left no matter what.


  12. A red light is basically a stop sign when you're turning right.

  13. you have to stop comletely .

  14. You need to make a full and complete stop and then proceed if the road is clear.

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