
If your man cheated would you stay with him?

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If your partner/husband/boyfriend cheated would you stay with him and give him another chance or brake up?Would it depend on how long you have been together etc? How many chances would you give him?




  1. If he meant a lot to me and genuinely wanted forgiveness, I would stay with him.  

  2. good question! my ex husband and i had been married for 20 years and i cheated on him, yet as a result i lost my marriage, yet i gained my sense of self! please remember hindsight is 20/20!!  

  3. My boyfriend of 3 years has cheated on me. I wish I could have had the strength to leave him, but things are so good when we're together and I can't do it.

    I would advise some one else to move on if they haven't been together so long, but it might be worth it to work it out and seek counseling if possible.

  4. no..bang his mom or sister

  5. No way!

  6. i wouldn't t\ake him back. once a cheater always a cheater

  7. Its all depends on circumstances.....

    As everyone cheats for one or many resons with or without intentionally but surely for one purpose thats to keep his or her face on a matter that might affects a particular person that have been commited.

    Anyway practicing flexibility for minor mistakes should be adheared for betterment for any relationship.

    Good Luck.

  8. Nope. I cannot stand cheaters

  9. my EX bf cheted on me on newyears with another girl at a party. an he lied about it so ive been there. chances.. none , if he cheats on u, obviously hes thinkng ur not good enough, so why giv him another chance.


  10. no, once a cheater always a cheater

  11. that answer is your choice don't depend on other for this.and maby 1 more more chance if he really love you he won't do it again

  12. I've been with him 2 years, we are in our early 20s, and yes I would leave him if he cheated. And he knows it.

  13. heck no. i would dump his sorry butt the first time, whether we've been going out 5 weeks or 5 years.  

  14. No, because what good is a relationship without trust. Btw there are  a lot of other ways a man could break trust and I would not be with him, too, besides cheating.  

  15. i wouldnt stay.  he can go be with his w h o r e.

  16. Here is a thought sit down by your self and ask your self what would I want him to do if I cheated on my boyfriend.Would I want him to take me back if I cheated on him.Would you want him to give you another chance or brake up.

  17. No.  I can't love someone I don't trust.

  18. Ive been with my man forever and if he cheated, that would be it. end of an era. by him cheating, he would be throwing what we had away, telling me Im not everything he wants. I would not know him like i thought and would not want to be with someone i dont know.

    .....he better not cheat...I'll pull a carrie underwood on his butt....hehehe

  19. No, once he does it, he'll probably do it again.

    Plus he might get AIDS or HIV :P

  20. Depending on how bad he wanted to get back together. if he couldn't care less then no, but if he did care then yes.

  21. unless he has a hella good reason


  22. Id like to say id break up with him.. but honestly i have no idea.  I love him so much.. and if he wantd me back it would be hard to resist... but i dont think the reltionship would ever be the same again... so id probably break up with him. Though you really never know till your in the situation. Though knock on wood i hope i never am.

  23. In all honesty, any girl would say yes to this question. But if the situation were to become real to any girl in love, leaving would be easier said than done. More girls would stay because they don't think they can find better and they're so convinced that the guy won't do it again. And when he does? They still stay. It's not quite a mixture of love and fear. What it is is fear mistaken for love. If someone's going to cheat, you can always do better if better is measured as someone who won't cheat.

    Me? I would probably stay. I'm in love and when in love stupid things are done. Now, if I were cheated on after a week long relationship, I'd leave. But after several months of being together, my guy would probably get numerous chances before I came to my senses. :P

    However, I trust my boyfriend completely. He's a faithful one. I have no reason to doubt his love for me. And I have no reason to believe he'd leave me for another.

  24. h**l NO!!

    i wud leave his *** no matter how long we've been together,

    a man that cheats on his girl has no respect!

  25. I believe in second chances.

    If it is more than once, they will definitely do it again.

    It would be over then

    Answer mine please

  26. Of course I would stay with him!! Of course his life would be a living h**l and I would hurt him 10 times worse than he hurt me. Emotionally Physically, Financially, pretty much any way I can. But of course I'd stay with him!

  27. Depends on the situation.. Say you were married with kids.. the kids where 5 and lets say 8.. that would really hurt the kids for "mom and dad" to get seperated if  your husban just went out with his boys for a "boys night" got a little to "drunk" and had a 1 nighter with a girl.. thats a mistake!! but not if it happens over and over or more than 1 time.. so i do agree once  a  cheater always a cheater esp. if its just a  boyfriend!!

  28. NNOO!!!!! thats purdy stupid....once a cheater...ALWAYS a cheater! they will sweet talk yu n try to get back wit you by doing all the stuff u want them to do and buying you stuff..etc...but they obviously think ur not good enough 4 them if they are gona go be wit sum1 else....ive been thru that but i didnt find out til like 25 min after we broke yup n he asked me back out n i said HHEEELLLLLL NNOOO!!!! lol...guys are stupid anyways so dnt trip!

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