
If your marine husband cheated, took everything, destroyed & abandoned you & your child, what would you do?

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If your marine husband cheated on your with another married marine, beat you up, took everything (money, house, car and everything else), destroyed your career (made me lose my job), your credit (made the home go into forclosure) & abandoned you & your child for that married woman that he is now going to get an apartment with, and everytime you go to court to fight for justice everyone is on his side because they are looking at the fact that he is in the marine corp, and his command is cleaning up the mess because they don't want to look bad, and he doens't care about his child, and he has another child from another woman that he doesn't care about either, and he just wants to make your life h**l because he cheated on you and got busted and wants you to feel hurt because deep inside he is hurt, and he has phycological problems but he doesn't want to go to therapy because he will get kicked out the corp, what would you do, besides getting an attorney?




  1. First off i am so very sorry to hear this.  I can not imagine the pain physical and emotional u indured with this guy.  I would have to say first and foremost u need GOD JESUS CHRIST!! He can help u surpass all things.  In this situation start a new life, i know this will be a struggle but you must not let this bring down everything you do.  You must keep your child first through this struggle because he/or she will remember how mommy handled it.  I know that this will make u a better person.  For out of bad must come good.   And this is for the best remember god is watching out for you.  He will give u all u need.

                        Best Regards,


                           Ill Pray for you

  2. I need to live for  my child. I wd sustain. I wd definitely get back my strength and keep a tab on him and wd be successful in eliminating him by a finest chance,when I cd lay my hands on him, since he shd never repeat that to another women.

  3. I can only imagine how exceedingly frustrated you are, but I would like to encourage you and I know this may sound strange at this moment, but give all your worries, your hurt, you problems to the Lord, I know He can solve this situation for you, right now you may even be thinking well where is God in all of this, but believe me He knows all and is right there with you, loving you and He will not give up on you or turn a deaf ear to your plea for help, just call on Him right now wherever you are and open your heart to Him and even though He alreadys knows all, He wants to hear from your lips, and He will answer you, it may come through a friend, or a scripture that you may read or a song you may hear, He has infinate ways to reach you, please do not despair, do not give up and know that help is on the way to you, please be encouraged, the Bible says in everything "Rejoice, and again I say Rejoice," and about now you are thinking o.k. girl, you have no idea what I am going through, but you know what? God does, and He is just waiting for you to call on Him, He will soothe your heart and you will feel his Love. You ask what would I do, I would turn him over to the Lord and say "o.k. Lord the man that has hurt me so, is your child, so I release him and all my pain into your Hands, and I will move on and be glad." Sounds a little funny, right? but try it and I promise it will work, do not beat yourself up about this any longer. Take a deep breath, and sing a new song, one that will heal your spirit. I will pray for you and your child. God Bless you and do not give up. God is just a Word Away.

  4. Well from my experince.. its not worth the pain for ur child. Look after ur child and get on with ur life to make him happy. Do ask for high amount of child support so that way he can replace all he took from u. Remeber u got the best end of the deal... is ur child. Love him/her the most and let the child know u love her no matter what and show her/him the right ways to the great life. Later in life that child will do ur ex the harm to him. U wont know about it til its already done and dont punish him/her cause ur child is lettin out its fustacion on its father. Good luck.

  5. Never EVER let him near the children ever again!sever all Tye's you have with him and report him. I'm not sure if you know or not but its against the regulations to have anything to do with another college. if you report him he will undoubtedly loose his job the girl too. also make it your business to get child support & half of the marital assets. if you have a pre-nuptual agreement you are still entitled 'cos he cheated on you.he is entitled to nothing.

  6. Move very far away from him and try and start over with a new life.  There are a lot of great guys out there and I am sure you can find someone who will treat you like a queen.  Continue to pursue him for support but hopefully you have some family that can assist you in getting somewhere else where you can start over.  Good Luck...

  7. Since he is a Marine and the Corps does not want this to be public knowledge, then take it to the public.  Local and national news, papers, magazines, etc.

    As a Marine he is supposed to be protecting your/our freedoms.  It seems as if he is taking away your freedoms to me.  Where is the honor and prestige in that?!  A wife beater, adulterer, deadbeat dad, thief, home and life wrecker?!  That is so very wrong!  I am one to suport our troops, but this abuse isn't something that I can stand behind.

    Do what "needs" to be done.  Don't delay this as it'll make your case harder in the long run. Above all, keep a cool head during all of this. I understand the emotional pain and anguish you are feeling and I am not trying to invalidate this. What I mean is that emotions can cause the problem to be blown out of proportion, delay the proceedings/closure of the case, delay any decision making that may be vital and time sensitive, make you vulnerable to further attack by him and his attorney to be used against you, make you act irrationally, create further confusion and anxiety which could lead to medical/psychological problems, etc.  You should approach this situation will a cool head and hand. Reason, logic, strength and patience should become your allies.  He left you at rock bottom so you already have nothing to lose or fear.  Do as he would do as a Marine in a combat situation.  Gather your intel, back it up with evidence, analyze the situation, keep plan simple and to the point, prepare your defense so that the enemy has no where to run, execute plan of attack and always remember to improvise, adapt and overcome.

    Good luck to you and your child in this battle to end your war on the injustices done to you two.

  8. Dig up all the dirt on him. Get the best attorney you can afford and s***w him for every penny you can get. Tell the courts that he is screwed up and let his bosses know he has got psychological problems(preferably with proof to back you up)

  9. id stop blaming all my problems on the nearest member of the opposite s*x, go get a new job, save up my own money, pay my bills of and restore my own credit, getta divorce and look for a partner that would be faithful.

    at least his $ will be easy to garnish.

    if he loses his job then oh well, even a civilian knows that the law is different for armed service personnel and cheating is a crime. he made a choice, he chose his consequences.

    on the brighter side (if there is one for your current situation) its this, its gotta be nice to be able to legally pursue justice for a cheating spouse... take it from the rest of us who werent lucky enough to have laws governing our spouses indiscretions.

    nothing i said was meant to be rude but he cant possibly have that much control over your employer, your house, your cars etc. and if he does then ultimately its your fault for allowing it to happen.

  10. I would just move on, i know it sounds hard but eventually time will heal all. See i know this because i lost my daughter when she was 3 weeks old and i thought i was going to go crazy, but i didnt and eventually things got better like they always do unless you use it as an excuse to completely lose control of your life. I hope everything works out for you but you need to know that you have the control to decide how to handle this.

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