
If your medical bills for a hospital stay are substantial even after the insurance pays most of it, can they ?

by  |  earlier

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go after your assets like your house?




  1. assets yes,  house not likely.

    They will turn it over to collection and ask for payments.

    If you cannot make payments, they will get a judement and garnish our wages.

    Try to negotiate a lower amoung since the insurance paid a lot.

  2. I believe they will try.  Start sending $50.00 a month payments.  If you are making an effort, I don't believe they can start proceedings on you.

    Best of luck.

  3. they would have to send your bill to collections first...if that happens or has happened try to set up a payment plan and stick to it..taking ur house would be a stretch i think....they would be more likely to get ur wages garnished etc...

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