
If your mother is a princess?

by Guest56196  |  earlier

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what does that make you.

i was just thinking bout that.....

and its bugging me.




  1. if u'r fathers a king or prince u would'nt be a princess but if u had a brother ud be a princess!!!!!


  2. Your title would depend upon your FATHER'S title.Titles are generally passed down the male line. If your father and mother are prince and princess,you are a princess or prince.

    If your father is a non-royal,a titled aristocrat,if you are the eldest son,you would take on the title next down that your father bears.Titled aristocrats usually hold more than one title.

    If your mother is a princess and your father is a duke,as the eldest son you would bear the title next down of your father,which could be marquess.A duke's daughter is a Lady.A younger son would be a Lord.

    If your father is a Marquess and your mother a princess,as eldest son you would be an earl.Daughters and younger sons are Ladies and Lords.

    If your father is an earl,as eldest son you would be a viscount. Youner sons and daughters are Lords and Ladies.

    If your father is a viscount,your mother a princess,as eldest son your title would be "The Honorable Mr.--"Younger sons and daughters are "The Honorabale Given Name Surname."

    And if your father is a baron and your mother a princess,as eldest son,or daughter,or younger son,it is the same title of "The Honorable."

    For a complete explanation visit

  3. The children of a princess take their rank from her husband.  Any titles they have are the titles that his children would have no matter whom he married.  Thus Princess Anne's children, although they're not very far down the line of succession, are just Mr. and Miss.

  4. I am an Iraqi Jew, and both my mother and father are from the line of David, descended from none other than prophet Daniel himself.

    If you want to talk bloodlines, not even the British monarchs can match my pedigree.

    Nevertheless, the kingdom my ancestor once ruled, is now long destroyed, so, I'm just like everyone else in the world.

    Also, pedigree and birth isn't worth a d**n to me, reason being, I'm really, REALLY into Karate, and all things Kung Fu.

    I love martial arts; they bow to no one, and recognize no one, and how far you get in them is not a matter of teacher opinion either.  You either reach the highest pinacles of mastery and skill, or you become a lazy t**d, but martial arts will only give what you give.

    That is why I love them.

    In a school system run by elitists and sociopaths, and a society run by even more elitists and sociopaths, you don't always get what you give, but with martial arts, everything you put in, everything you give, it gives back, it pays back, in dividends, interest, and bonuses.

    It is a bit of an irony actually because, Karate was originally developed for the royal family of Okinawa.  If I traveled back in time and showed proof of my lineage, I probably would have been trained.

    That rule doesn't exist anymore though, and besides, Gichin Funakoshi, and Sokon Matsumura, two of the arts greatest masters beneath THE greatest master, Kanryo Higashiaona, were all "commoners."  Kanryo Higashiaona himself was a fisherman's son, the lowest occupation in Okinawa, and most Okinawans who know Karate history will not argue the fact that he was easily its greatest master, of any style of Karate.

    I wish I could study the Goju Ryu system again, I wish I could go to Okinawa and study it, sadly though I can't because of prohibitive costs.

    Oh yeah, to answer your question; royal lineage is determined by the father.

    If your mother is a princess, then that makes you a person of noble blood, but it doesn't make you a prince under those rules.  You can only be a prince if your father is a prince, or a king or emperor of course.

    Usually though, when only your mother is a princess that sounds to me like a case of illegitimacy, and what most European noble classes would do is simply disown you, quietly send you far away to a town or village, the family given provisions to raise you, and then you would be simply forgotten.

    Many Europeans in fact, because of this, may have noble blood and not know it, little wonder though why some of them are snobs.

    Maybe its genetic.

    peace out.

  5. It makes me very lucky .... i think !!!

  6. This depends on where your mother is a princess from. In Britain for example if your mother was a princess by birth you would not have a title because titles are inherited in the male line so only the queens sons children will be princes or princesses.

    For example Princess Anne married Mark Phillips. He was offered but refused a title so his children do not have a title. Even though they are Queen Elizabeths grand children.

    The rules can differ in other countries but generally they are inherited in the male line only. There are some titles that can be inherited by a female. For example if your father was a Baron and had no male offspring the title could then be inherited by a daughter. After her the title would pass to her oldest male child. If no male child then to a female child etc. It can get confusing with female children because the title doesn't necessarily go to the oldest female child. Inheritance laws always favored the oldest surviving male child. The inheritance would be split evenly between female children if there was no male. Therefore no one would inherit the title. The title would lie dormant until there was a sole heir. This is not complicated if only one of the daughters has children but can be very complicated if there are several female heir with children. I believe there are several Baronies that have been dormant for a couple hundred years or more.

  7. a princess

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