
If your mother told you the sky was green, would you believe her?

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But she's your mother - who could be more trustworthy than your mother? Why would she lie? She's not funded by Big Oil.

What matters to you - who believes something or what the proof is?




  1. My mother isn't a scientist, so I'd have to check for myself.

    Climate scientists are scientists with expertise in the global climate, so they know better than me and you.

    You're missing the point that the reason the climate scientists are saying humans are causing global warming *is because that is what the data says!*

    You just convinced me that man-made global warming is correct.  I used to be in denial like you, but eventually you have to grow some balls and face reality.

  2. I would believe her.

    First of all, duh, she's my mom.

    Second, there sky really has no color at all.

    So to say that it is blue is a lie as well.

    To say the the sky is green is equally as true.

    And purple.

    And orange.

    But that doesn't matter.

    This question doesn't even belong in the Global Warming section.

    I could report you.

    But I'm too lazy.


  3. i would go and see for myself


    She told me some fat guy in a red suit was gonna land on our roof and come down the fire place and leave me free stuff.

    We had no fire place....that was a huge clue.    

    Well, i got though that.........and here she came again.

    Then because some guy got nailed to some wood, a rabbit was gonna leave me some chicken eggs....which he painted.

    Well OK, you know she is the "Mom."

    That stuff went on all year about every 2 months....

    It wasn't till she told me to be sure to get under my school desk,.. when someone was going to drop a "Atomic Bomb" by our school, that I knew mom could be dangerous.

    I wonder if the mom's in Japan told there kids the same thing.

    Even today March is "black history month"  so they play reruns of "COPS" on one of the channels all day.

    Three people are running for president.....none of which I  would  loan my car too.

    Arab's with diapers on there heads are Bombing people so they can get "72 virgins."    Which are probably 72 guys anyway.

    In the 911 thing, they say fire melted the steel and the buildings and they just fell down.   They are the first metal building in the history of the world to melt, because of fire.  Including 3 buildings which were not even damaged.

    On Dec 31,2001  New York Port Authority,  would have had to repay 900 million in 30 year construction bonds, for The Construction of the WTC buildings that cost 225 Million in 1971.   Well  New York is well know for its Honest Politicians, I guess they are just lucky.   Now insurance has to pay 5 billion    3.1 billion to the guy that lease the WTC  the week before,  and 2 Billion to the City of New York.

    In New York, the big deal is they say "If you drive a suv, You are giving your gas money to Terroist......."    So everybody is taking "Taxi's?"     You gotta be kidding!   Have you been in a New York Taxi lately?

    "I did not have s*x with That woman...."  as explained by a United States President.

    Today for my press conference information....I watch "little Bush" ...TV has all the presidents comments in one show.

    Well considering the completion,  Mom probably THOUGHT she was telling the Truth.........

    Everybody  is so concerned with my health....they made our city smoke free.   Thats so comforting, since I have been in every war since the Bay of Pigs including Iraq!    They  should make friggin  'war' a smoke free zone.....instead.

    In China, 3 billion Chinese start smoking at 5 years old and live to 100+  and never "even" heard of cancer.   So much for reports from polititions......

    Catholics have based a religion in the fact ......"That the virgin Mary  was telling the truth!"

    Well its all too much for me.........I like you;  just paddle along like a duck on water staying afloat and.....trying to dodge the shot gun blast, running boats, environmentalist, tagging game wardens.....and a occasional car.   How drunk do you have to be to have a collision with a LAKE!

    Well if your Mom was happy telling you the sky was green, she was probably so proud of that she had the facts....and then shared it with you is a good sign.  

    Then there is the truth....the truth guys are just as bad,  look at the other with a hundred references...I worry about those folks......hope someone "will let them out" one day.

    It a good question.....really simply drives home the point you and I are trying to make here.......

    (Houston, Tx)

  5. i dunno, i might beleeve her.

  6. How did the question about your mother....turn into a huge environmental issue......  You guys should get out more!

    anyway.....2 points...thank you...

  7. If my mother were a scientist I would beleive her.  Scientists follow the data and test their hypotheses, so what non-experts tell us, outside of the scientific process, is far less credible.

    The following scientific organizations accept the evidence for anthropogenic climate change:

    NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

    National Academy of Sciences (NAS)

    State of the Canadian Cryosphere (SOCC)

    Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

    Royal Society of the United Kingdom (RS)

    American Geophysical Union (AGU)

    American Institute of Physics (AIP)

    National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

    American Meteorological Society (AMS)

    Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS)

    Academia Brasiliera de Ciências (Bazil)

    Royal Society of Canada

    Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Academié des Sciences (France)

    Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina (Germany)

    Indian National Science Academy

    Accademia dei Lincei (Italy)

    Science Council of Japan

    Russian Academy of Sciences

    Royal Society (United Kingdom)

    National Academy of Sciences (United States of America)

    Australian Academy of Sciences

    Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sciences and the Arts

    Caribbean Academy of Sciences

    Indonesian Academy of Sciences

    Royal Irish Academy

    Academy of Sciences Malaysia

    Academy Council of the Royal Society of New Zealand

    Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

    Yes, I do propose that their conclusions carry far more credibility than the poorly justified contrary theories promoted with the funding of the oil industry:

    "The Heartland Institute formerly sponsored and hosted, a web page ostensibly dedicated to objective research on global warming, but at the same time presenting heavily biased research by organizations such as the American Petroleum Institute as an FAQ section."

    Heartland Institute has received $676,500 from ExxonMobil since 1998.

    Exxposing ExxonMobil's Agenda: Manipulating Politics and the Public


    So if you reject thousands of scientists and their measurements of the warming and of our contributions to atmospheric CO2 (as measured by isotope anaysis), what do choose to accept as "proof" instead?

  8. No.  It's a combination of both who and what for me.

    When an army of scientists,

    backed by a mountain of data

    summarized at:

    with hundreds of references to the peer reviewed literature, say global warming is real, and mostly caused by us, I find that convincing.

    Particularly when the "skeptics" are both vastly outnumbered AND vastly inferior in terms of backup data.

    Thanks for unblocking me.  I'll try to keep it very civil.

  9. Excellent straw-man argument.  A more realistic question would be:  If one friend told you that stealing was ok if you really wanted something you couldn't afford, but someone you didn't like told you it was wrong and you would have to do without, who would you want to believe was right?

    S'ok, nobody expects you to answer the hard ones.

  10. Exactly.  Warmers cannot tell us the consequences of so-called "global warming" without using qualifiers in front of their statements.

    Imagine if others in history had the same conviction as the warmers.  JFK's speech would be more like this "by the end of the decade, we may send a man to the moon and probably return him safely." or Reagan's ultimatum "Mr. Gorbachev, You could tear down this wall!".

    Sounds rather wishy-washy and noncommittal doesn't it?

    Yet, this poses as absolute proof to the believers.  How sad the state of what is being passed as "science" these days.

  11. The sky IS green occaisonally.  It's a well recognized weather effect.  If my mother told me the sky was green, you better believe I WOULD believe her since it is a sign that a tornado is coming and I would head to the cellar faster than you can say SCAT.  I think it really important to know who believes something and what their proof is.

    A Green Sky....Does It Mean A Tornado Is Coming?

    It is well known that often times the sky turns a hue of green before severe weather strikes. The thing is, this doesn't happen ALL the time, thus there is no rule of thumb with this strange phenomenon. However, if I saw a green sky, it would mean to me that I should turn on the TV/radio and find out what's going on in my area.

    So Why Does the Sky Turn Green?

    No one knows exactly, but here's one idea...

    Sunlight is comprised of many different colors. The colors that comprise sunlight get absorbed, reflected and scattered as they encounter the particles in our atmosphere (like Nitrogen, Oxygen, dust, etc...)

    For example, our sky is blue because the blue color in sunlight is scattered by particles in our air. When this blue color scatters in all directions, it may eventually hit your eyes, and voila! You see a blue sky. (Click Here for more on the whol blue sky deal)

    This type of optical phenomenon is suspected to be the reasoning behind the green sky effect. Exactly why the green hue appears is not exactly known, but the tremendous amount of water vapor may be the culprit.

    It is hypothesized that the water vapor makes the clouds look blue. But when the sun is at a low angle, like at sunset or sunrise, the blue is scattered out of light. This may allow the color green to show up more vividly.

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