
If your not to busy, can you give me your oppinion please....?

by  |  earlier

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I have some photos I have taken for a friend, and I want to know if you think these photos I have taken are good or at least decent, and which one is your favorite?

(I love photography and since I am only still in school and don't have a very good camera, I have limits to what I can do, so please don't be rude)













Thanks a lot, I appreciate your help =]




  1. I super like the last one the one before it and the one with the flower is good too.

  2. i like them.  pretty good.  The best are the ones with the big flower near her face, the glasses and the  mirror shot.  

    my least favorite was the first one - real close up - the lighting was very harsh

    i dug the tree one - only cuz I have a small collection of tree photos

  3. Well I really like two of your pics.

    1.  I think this was your first one.  I like the look you captured in her face.  The only thing I found funny was the position of her arm.  It looks kind of awkward in the picture.

    3.  I think this was your 3rd one.  Very Nice.  I like the lighting.  The look of her eyes were captured very nicely and the use of the flower in front of her face gives a sense of mystery.  I like this one the best!

  4. i thought they were all rather well done given experience and tools at your disposal. Didnt care much for the boob shot one though, but thats just me=P(the second one? yeah i think)

  5. I liked 1, 4, and 7 the best.  Some of them I dont like so much like 2 and 9...I think the others are more interesting.

  6. the 3rd pic is the one i like most

    i didnt like the 2nd one though

    the remaining ones are also nice to look at

  7. 6, 8, 9, 11, and 12 are amazing.

    I love the others too, but those are my fav

    I say never give it up, because its a good talent to have

    and you definitely have it.

  8. #3 is prob my favourite, 1,2, and 7 are also very good.  the others aren't bad, but those are def my favs.  you have good raw talent, read up on some photography books and mags to get some more experience and tips.

  9. nice work! I like it.

  10. I really like them, my favorite were probably 2 and 3, I like the angles and the contrast between black and white and color. The one with the hand on the mirror was nice too.  I think you have good potential, you seem to have a good eye for balance and creative angles.  I'm sure with the right equipment you could snap some really great ones.  I'm also an artist but I draw pictures instead on taking them.  Keep it up! Good job

  11. 2 and3

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