
If your old enough to have kids?

by  |  earlier

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did you name any of your kids after the fictional characters on the bible?

I did, but I was religious 20 years ago.




  1. Yes, my husband and I named both our children after people from the Bible......................

  2. I am not a Christian, but some of the biblical names are still good ones:

    Mathew, David, Daniel, Rebecca, James, Sarah, are all still good classic names for children.

    Nothing, wrong with those.  Some of the more obscure ones might make it a little harder for kids who go to regular school - kids can be cruel.

  3. My son is named after a member of Slipknot and my daughter is named after a sword, so no, not so much.

  4. I'm old enough to have kids but I don't plan to have any.  If I did, I would teach them that it's "you're".

  5. well since you said fictional characters in the Bible, I'll say no, but then again I don't have any kids.  And I'm plenty old enough.

  6. No, all four of my children's names cannot be found in the bible. Neither can mine.

  7. so much for being open minded huh?  

  8. Wish  they were named  Sampson.

  9. No but I was named for the great judge Debora  I like the fact that I was as she was a strong woman and it motivates me that I carry her name

  10. Trick question because there ARE no fictional characters in the Bible.  In fact, there exists quite a bit of archaeological evidence to support the existence of quite a few Bible notables.   <")))><

  11. My first daughter's first name is my middle name and her middle name is from the bible.

    My second daughter's first and middle names are family names.

    My third daughter's first name is a combination of family names and her middle name is from the bible.

    My husband and I decided when we married that all of our children's names would be family names (first choice) or scriptural names (second choice if we can't find a family name that fits).

    I believe names have power, so I give special attention to my children's names, only naming them after individuals that have traits I would like my children to emulate.

  12. Nope.

    My kids have Celtic names in honor of thier heritage. My son's first and middle name (My grandmother's surname and Scottish clan) are Celt.

    edited: I would have named my son Christopher if my husband would have let me though, and kept the Celt for the middle name. I love that name, Christian or not. I wanted the nick name Kit (which is the ORIGINAL nick name) but my husband wanted Chris. Too many Chris's in the world so he got a lowland Celt name instead lol

    I also love the name Gabriel.

  13. No.

    I was named after one, but I don't really care.. I just don't like 'Esther' or 'Abraham'. Too old-persony.

  14. No. Named them after real people from the Bible

  15. Yes

  16. My mama already named me after some angel fell from heaven.  You already know what it is. =D  My mama doesn't care about bible people! She thinks it is cute name suits me.

    In fact, I think it's cool name.

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