
If your on a search for a runaway, can they check somebodys house just because they THINK you might be there?

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If your on a search for a runaway, can they check somebodys house just because they THINK you might be there?




  1. Go home.  Everybody will be better off.  If you have a legitimate problem and aren't just angry with your parents because they want you to clean your room, then talk to a guidance counselor at school or to the police even, if, say someone at home is sexually abusing you.  Otherwise, you're putting yourself in danger by leaving home without permission.  (You could go to detention.) And you are putting the adults in that house in danger too. (They can be charged with harboring a runaway.)

  2. no they would need a warrant and have propable cause to search each house not just suspiscion but actuall evidence.

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