
If your parents' insurance drops you because you're not a full-time student, can you be added back in later?

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Specifically, Cigna.

I want to take a semester off, but my mother is very against the idea, saying I won't have insurance if something happens. I tell her that I can just be put back on, but I'm not totally sure if that's true.

Plus, I've heard that you cannot be on your parents' insurance after you turn 21. Is that true?




  1. When you not in school, you will have to be dropped from your parent's health insurance. Whenever you return in the fall, you can be put back on. this can be vary from state to state. one insurance comapny may answer you it in a better way. here is the link, contyact them for more details.

  2. When you not in school, you will have to be dropped from your parent's health insurance.  Whenever you return in the fall, you can be put back on.  

    In some places, you can be on your parent's insurance up to age 23 as long as you are still in school.

  3. You can definitely be put back on again once you're a full time student again.

    The employer (whoever is supplying the insurance) can set the guideline for when dependents are covered--I've seen it be as high as 25. So I'd call your insurance and just ask them what the age is if you're a full time student.

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