
If your parents didn't have children, are your chances good that you won't either?

by  |  earlier

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Raise your hand if you don't get the joke.....(so far there are quite a few hands raised....)





  1. I get it!...just me?! Ok...haha

  2. Not necessarily. If I were a cat, like in your case, I'd have kittens.

  3. i wont be here if my parents did not have children

  4. emmmm com on here ya think im stupid if ur parents didnt have kids they obviouslly didnt have u soooooooo ur obviouslly are not gonna have kids.....

    - @shley<3

  5. ROFL

    i love it!!!

    you are a genius!

    i never woulda thought of that....

  6. ya they are good i wont

  7. You are me$hugina

  8. If your parents didn't have kids then where did you come from??????? hm....something to think about. lmao sorry sorry okay because i hate kids

  9. chances  are i wasnt born

  10. DUHHHHH!!!! if they didn't have kids i wouldn't be here hun!

  11. well if ur parents didnt had children then who the heck r u? this question doesnt makes sense

    edit: ohh so it was a joke. but what was the thumbs down for

  12. no i wouldn't have children, i'd have puppies

  13. Yes, indeed.  I saw a cartoon of Ziggy once that had the same message.

  14. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

    I opened this question just to write a lol but then this question was meant for that!


    That requires a great sense of humor and some intelligence lol.

    Smart! Take a star!



  15. how were you conceived?

  16. Only if u use they same type of protection your parents did

  17. LOL I'd say real good

  18. I wouldn't be here! hahaha!!!!

  19. hahaha lmao.

    weve got a clever bunch of smartasses on yahoo answers, now dont we.

  20. wow, im such an idiot! i was actually thinking about the answer until i realized that if my parents didn't have children then i wouldn't have existed and i couldn't have kids due to that fact!........LMAO!

  21. 100% cause i dont exist!

  22. Yeah I wouldn't have children because I wouldn't even be alive....ha ha that is a tricky question! Are you trying to confuse people? HILARIOUS!  

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