
If your parked up in car park,and another car drives straight into your open door, whis to blame?

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If your parked up in car park,and another car drives straight into your open door, whis to blame?




  1. That's arguable.  Strictly speaking you're responsible for your passengers' actions and opening a door into a moving car comes down to you, if that's what happened.  It could be argued, though, that the other driver should have been expecting the possibility and driven accordingly. The police won't be interested and I suspect the insurers will treat it as a "knock-for-knock" episode.  Just leave it up to them and stop worrying. And give up asking the same question over and over in different ways.

  2. you keep asking - and I see you have a range of opinions... are you going to go with the most popular opinion?

    or is it like 'best out of 3'...... if you dont get the answer you like, you'll go for 'best out of 5', then 'best out of 7', etc

    at the end of the day, it will be up to the insurance people to decide, so save your time on YA! and get onto them instead.

    ps - i still think it was your son's fault for opening the door without regard to other vehicles

  3. like i said it is the driver of the car that opened the door, if you do not believe me ring your insurance company or get advice from traffic police

    regards x kitti x

  4. The person who opened to door. You have an obligation to make sure it is safe to open the door

  5. Depends where the car is.

    If you opened the door as the car was entering the car park space, it is the person who opened the door.

    If the door was open for ages and the driver was to lazy to see it, it's the drivers fault. That's my view.

  6. If a driver opens his/her driver's door suddenly, thus not giving another driver a chance to avoid a collision by stopping etc., then the fault in this case rests with the owner of the car who opened their door.

    If however a driver crashes his car into a stationery vehicle then it's his fault and his problem is made worse if he fails to stop and is seen driving away by witnesses etc.

  7. they are to blame

  8. Its the car that drove into you as they are ment to asses the road for hazards.

  9. It doesn't matter how many times you re-ask you'll get the same answers! RING YOUR INSURANCE AND ASK THEM!

  10. To get this straight - Your car was parked up & stationary with the door open.

    In that case fault has to be with the other party.

    OK, maybe you shouldn't have had the door open or possibly you should have seen the other car coming and closed the door cannot be at fault if you were stationary.

    In other words, the other car drove into your car so has to be at fault.

  11. It depends - you have to prove WHEN the door opened and therefore how long the door had been open BEFORE the other car hit it.

    The one driving the car could just claim they were driving extremely slowly and carefully into the parking space when suddenly the other car's door flew open and they couldn't do anything to avoid hitting it!

    If you own the car with the damaged door you need to prove that your door had been open AGES before it was hit - what is the damage - if it is quite severe damage you might struggle to prove that the door had been open for a while as that would look like it had just opend and the other driver couldn't react - if it is light damage you could claim the other driver obviously saw it but was driving to fast to stop completely and therefore hit your car.

    VERY iffy that one - good luck :)

  12. The person who opened the door.  My dad has a cyclist hit his open door, even though it had been open for some time, and the cyclist was distracted by saying hello to someone on the opposite side of the street, it was his fault for having the door open, not the stupid cyclist who was in a daydream.

  13. The driver of the car that drove into your open car door - he/she was driving with un-due care and attention, which is a Police matter.

  14. If the door was already open, the other driver, but why have you asked the same question 3 times?

  15. The person opening the door is to blame, as the door may have been opened without due care and attention, although the other driver should have been paying attention and have been able to avoid the collision. It would also depend on how long the door had been left open, if it was open for a long period of time, the other driver should have seen it and avoided it.

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