
If your partner cheated on you, would you want to know and what would you be prepared to do about it?

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Could you forgive them?




  1. not my real name. One cool dude.

  2. I'd want to know, it would be the end of the relationship and I doubt I'd ever forgive them.

  3. if my partner cheated on me that'll be it i wouldn't want explanation or anything just will want him out of my sight after id half killed him... can you imagine if he came in saying "sorry babe i cheated on you i didn't mean to" and there's me saying "ok babe lets sit down and talk about it".... AS IF,,,oh i have a story there's this guy we know who was having an affair on his girlfriend and when he finally admitted because his other ***** dumped his guess what his girlfriend did, you'd have thought she'd cry etc etc no SHE WENT DOWN ON ONE KNEE AND PROPOSED TO HIM i was laughing my head off to what a geek she must be and guess what he's still having affairs!!!! worst of all she knows and still getting married next year...

  4. Someone's feeling guilty!!!!

  5. if my partner cheated on me, ill just leave her, and not ask her any questions.

  6. don't ever say a word to them and leave them and move on. a word might value them, when they shouldn't be valued

  7. I would want to know, depends what he did with her. If he gave her a small kiss then I would probably forgive him but if he did anything sexual I'd dump his ***! lol

    And depends who it is tbh.

  8. If my partner cheated on me i would like to know about it because than i know that the nob head thought he/she could get away with it, and i would be prepared to talk about it but it really depends on how long its been going on for...if its a short while and he's/she's never done it before maybehh i would forgive him/her but if hes/she's been doing it for a while then i would never forgive him/her..

  9. I would want to know about it, well I don't think I could forgive them. I've had one of my boyfriends cheat on me with two girls. I couldn't fully forgive him for that. I only found out after I had left him, but I still felt hurt and betrayed. Mind it does depend on who and how many people he cheated with. I may be persuaded to forgive them, but I probably wouldn't.

  10. I'd definately want to know, from HIM not from anyone else. I don't think i could ever forgive him, he'd of betrayed my trust and everything that we've worked for in this relationship would mean diddly-squat!

    Once you cheat or have been cheated on, and they find out, nothing is ever the same again, it's always in the back of your mind what they've done to you!

  11. If my girlfriend or wife were cheating on me, I would want to know about it. I would dump her and move on.

    If she cheated one time and it never happened again, I would rather not ever know about it.

  12. I would want to know and I would leave right away.

    No forgiveness on that one.

  13. I would want to know.

    I'd want to know who, when, how many times, why... everything.

    I'd want to get revenge, but I don't know that I actually would.

    And yes I'd forgive him... but I wouldn't necessarily be friends with him ever again. And I wouldn't forget.


    Yeah, it depends what happened though. One kiss could be forgotten. If he slept with her... not so much.

  14. Yes I would want to know about it and then I would burn his treasured item, his drum kit and make him watch it burn, but he knows i would do this.  And no I would not forgive him ever.

  15. My partner cheated on me for 18 months and when it came to a head, it was truly terrible.  He wore me down and in the end I tried to forgive him.  However, it undermined my confidence in the relationship and I should have ended it there and then, at the time of the infidelity.

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