
If your partner didn't want another child and nothing you could say would change his mind would you.....?

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"accidently" fall pregnant??? I really want another and my partner is adament that he doesn't all my firnds keep telling me to just accidently fall pregnnat but i cant bring myself to do that to him.




  1. i couldnt do that without us agreeing because i dont want to make jsut my dream come true and force him to live in it but i want it to be his dream too and you just need to ask him for what reason that is and talk about it from there

  2. no that is deceitful. however real couples learn to compromise. if you only have on child , it is wrong that there is nothing you can say to change his mind and he isnt even open to it. however if you have atleast two, then you should consider yourself blessed, and be okay with it, because two is plenty. maybe it has to do with money, or he just wants more time with you. there are so many different reasons. blessings

  3. And you shouldn't.  Give him some more time to think about it and don't pressure him.  "Accidentally becoming pregnant may push him away, especially if he found out the truth.  A baby should be conceived in love, not in a lie!

  4. Honey, I remember something you told me about Hubby's past.

    I don't think it's a good idea. People say that because they cannot think of a decent think to say.

    Talk to him. It's only early days yet. He will *hopefully* come around.


  5. It's a bad idea. he could resent the child and you. give him time, don't put pressure on him, and discuss it.

  6. I dont think i would get pg on purpose that might break you guys up! If he is not ready then all you can really do it wait around till he is ready! Just keep talking to him about babies and keep showing him cute stuff keep the idea in his head! Tell him you really really want another one! If the time is right he will give in sooner or later! GOOD LUCK!

  7. NO never because that is a massive breach of the trust required to have a healthy and happy relationship.

    I know its not possible to reverse the situation but put yourself in his position...wouldn't you feel betrayed if he did that to you

    i know i would, plus it is a better environment for the child if both parents want them rather than them being an "accident"

  8. Nope. Couldnt do it to my man. He'd know that i did on purpose, and that would just cause all sorts of h**l. I keep getting told the same thing too (cos i would love another child) even from his mother. But Its just not right, my mother done it to my father, and that didnt turn out well at all

  9. Well you shouldnt use protection then is you ACCIDENTLY fall pregnant too bad right = ]

  10. You so absolutely not do that.  I have a friend who had one child and did not want any more, but his wife did.  Well, she decided that she would "accidentally" forget to take her birth control pill, and she got pregnant again.  My friend found out what she did, and although they are still married, he now cheats on her all the time, and says he doesn't love her anymore because of what she did to him, and only stays married to her because of the kids.  It completely ruined their relationship because now there is no trust in each other, and for good reason!

  11. I think it depends on what we agreed on in the first place.  I ended 2 relationships because these guys already had kids and didn't want more and that was unacceptable to me.  But my current partner actually wants 2 more and I'm not actually sure that we are on the same page as I am thinking just one (he has 3 teenagers from a prior relationship - my son had been adopted and we recently found each other).  

    I don't think I'd ever feel comfortable accidentally-on purpose getting pregnant if he wasn't warm to the idea in the first place. I was abandoned once over a pregnancy. I would find it difficult to manage a repeat.

  12. if you "accidentally"  get pregnant that is a pretty much a violation of trust what most relationships are based on.

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