
If your pissed that its been winter for the last five months vent here!?

by  |  earlier

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so i live in washington and its hardcore raining right now and its fricken june 6! how is summer where you live?




  1. I live in San Francisco, CA and its beautiful here and we usually have dry and warm summers and some days get very hot like 96 degrees. Sometimes a rare storm from the Southwest monsoon will bring rain and thunderstorms, but usually dry and warm summer.

  2. Seeing as it's going to be almost 100 tomorrow (and only in the 60s today), I won't complain about the winter.  It's been raining on and off the last few days here in Connecticut.  The one thing that I look forward to in the summer is the thunderstorms.  I love watching thunderstorms!  We haven't had a good (or bad, depending on how you look at it) one in a long time.  We rarely get tornadoes, so I don't have to worry about that.

  3. It's hot & roasting out right now & I HATE IT. No place to cool off with out passing out from the heat. I'll take the cooler days anytime. Just not the snow.

  4. LOL 5 months thats all?!?!? I take it you are not in AK? I AM!

  5. summer here is great but ir is messed here tornados and ect and it the pit of h**l here it is hott!!! =( i am sweting as we spaek

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