
If your pond makes it thru to the opponents side. Do you get another queen even if you haven't lost yours?

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If your pond makes it thru to the opponents side. Do you get another queen even if you haven't lost yours?




  1. Sort of.

    1. It is a pawn, not a pond.

    2. if you get a pawn to the other side you can pick whatever piece you want whether you lost it or not.  (Very rarely getting a queen is not the best idea- very, very rarely.:))

  2. Kind of...

    If you get a pawn to the other side of the board without it being taken, you get to bring 1 of your pieces back that has been taken by the other player.

    (No, you do not get 2 identical pieces)

  3. Yes, your pawn may become any piece but another pawn or a king.  So it is possible for a player to have more than one queen.

  4. the pawn may become another queen, in fact, one player may have 9 queens on the board at the same time.

  5. First of all it is a "pawn."

    And yes you can, although you can promote to a knight or bishop or a rook ,also. Most people just turn a rook upside down to represent a queen, and it is theoretically possible to have NINE queens!  (your original and eight promoted pawns)

    The first answerer's Chess Club should get a copy of the rules. If they say you can only take back an already captured piece, that is wrong!

  6. When your "pawn" gets to the last row, you may trade it for any piece you want other than

    1. A king- sorry that is the ruling

    2. A Pawn- that would be pointless

    You could have a perfect board and still trade in because what has been taken does not matter

    SO go ahead and get those NINE Queens. it wont be easy.

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