
If your scared of heights does it mean you can't become a pilot?

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Its because am trying to become a pilot but am afraid of heights but do you think ill get over it if I trained and took pilot school training?




  1. There is no such thing as a fear of heights.  The fear is of falling.  I know.  I have it.

    I became a pilot, and am no longer afraid of heights, although I am still afraid of falling.

  2. Oh yeah, guys who are gripped with fear, pale, cold and sweaty make GREAT pilots.........

  3. 1. It depends how severe you fear of heights is.

    2. You can learn to overcome your fear of heights, either by yourself or with a help of a therapist.

    3. Being in an aircraft - since you are all enclosed, is usually not as bad as standing on the edge of a cliff.

    Depending on where you live, you may be able to take a short flight in a small aircraft at a nearby airport that has a flight school, and see how you react to it.

    I don't feel very comfortable standing at the edge of the roof of my house - but I can do it if I have too, and that has not stopped my aviation career.

  4. It really depends.  Are you scared when you're up in an aircraft?  If not, then there should be no problem.  I know a number of pilots that are scared of heights.  I know skydivers that are really scared of jumping off the 10 meter in the pool.  For some reason, jumping out of a plane thousands of feet above the ground with a parachute on is a lot less frightening than jumping a few dozen feet into a pool.  Doesn't make sense to me, but that's the way it was for them.  So, it all depends on how it is for you.

  5. I'm with the "fear of falling" and the "fear of loss of control" club. I have never suffered from acrophobia, but I've had lots of passengers in my hot air balloon that did. All of them adjusted quickly (though some clung to the wicker basket), and had a good time. Most of them will still not go to the window of a high-rise building, or gaze from a cliff at the Grand Canyon, but they all felt safe in the balloon for some reason, and all of them would go up again.

    Acrophobia is a funny thing. I'll bet you overcome it once you realize, as pilot, that you are in control.

    Me, I have an inbred fear of power lines, rotors (a hill vs wind phenomenon), thermal updrafts, and irate grumpy landowners. My training helped me avoid these.

    You'll do fine. Good luck in your endeavors.

  6. Being afraid of heights can come in different forms...some people cant get on the roof of their house and clean the gutters.but can climb into an extra 300 and go do aerobatics....but its not the fear of heights...its the fear of falling off and having no control over that fall...

    I have never really thought about it...but give it a shot...sometimes its just a control thing...if you have control you feel good...hope this helps

    Jonathan S



  7. I dont know about you but for me the two are not related. I am afraid of heights but thats only if im on a tall balcony or something. I feel perfectly fine in an aircraft. even one without doors. lol

  8. well all i have to say is if you cant get over your fear of heights i advise you not to become one but if you can, follow your dreams and become a pilot...train yourself to not be afraid try flying on a plane and see if you can handle it

    good luck im sure you'll get over that fear

  9. no I'm cabin crew and I'm afraid of heights .i had to jump down the slides one time and the instructor had to push me but a week later ide an evacuation in the Airport  and you don't think I'm scared you just jump .so don't worry .....any way its not like you have to close the aircraft doors with the stars gone :) husband ( who's a pilot ) said you should take a lesson in a small light aircraft two see if your OK with the height .

  10. Why would you want to?

  11. it shouldnt make that much of a difference really..

    your in an enclosed area so it's probably better for you..

    but if your terrified of heights, being a pilot probably isnt a top job :)

  12. There is no such thing as fear of height. However, there is such a thing as fear of an angry flight instructor. You can become a pilot if you want to.

  13. I can't look over a railing on a cliff while hiking on a mountain trial; my knees almost give out and I feel like I'll pass out.

    However, I've been a pilot since 1981, I also fly hang gliders and pargliders. I don't feel scared when I'm at 14,000 ft.

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