
If your server does a good job serving you what will you tip them?

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If your server does a good job serving you what will you tip them?




  1. If they are good then 20 percent otherwise it it from 10 to 15. Sorry, eating out is getting really expensive!

  2. $100

  3. 15-20% of the tab BEFORE tax.  Doubling the tax is an easy way to figure it too.

  4. 20 - 25%.

    I'm not terribly picky.  If the service is adequate, I leave 20% plus a bit.

  5. ten percent. eating out is getting worse

  6. well, if they have a friendly conversation with you or something, or go out of their way to fulfill your needs, or do something that's not part of their job for you. Then give them maybe $5-10-15 depending...

  7. I am a server!  I used to tip poorly until I became one and found out the proper procedure. The first response is right. 20 percent if the service is everything you expect. Otherwise 15 percent. If the service is poor I would do 10 percent and maybe speak to the manager if it is really a major issue. Sometimes servers are bitter if they think you will give them a bad tip... for example 5-10 dollars on a hundred dollar check i awful!  you don't  realize many servers have to tip out food expos, bartenders, and bussers 10 percent of each tip! Sometimes your tip could be costing them money!

  8. usually 20 percent...a little more if they are really good

    remember that if you use a coupon to tip on the total amount BEFORE the coupon.

    I have had my entire meal comp'd due to something that wasn't the server's fault and I have left a $20 tip due to the service he provided.  

    Bad services can get 10% or less.  I have very RARELY had to leave less than 10%

  9. A good job will get you 15%. A great job will get you 20%. Going above and beyond the call of service can earn you up to 50%. No, that doesn't happen often, but it does happen. It takes great eye contact, personable service, careful attention to our tables needs and helping the kitchen to properly time the preparation and delivery of each course of our meal. Yes, a lot of work when you have to serve multiple tables but that's what it takes!

  10. Nothing

  11. I always give 20% to 25% if I have good service.  If the service isn't so great, then I leave at least 10% to 15%.

    My philosophy is... if you can't afford to tip properly, then you can't afford to go out to eat!

  12. PLEASE always tip at least 20%...I'm a waitress at a Thai restaurant in my town and waitresses only get paid under $3 an hour to work, I get paid $2.75/hr and even that's really really good for this area, so we make all our money off of tips.

    If you leave a bad tip and we remember who you are, the next time you come in, we probably won't be as nice to you. Sorry but it's the truth. If you leave a good tip and we remember you, we'll probably go out of our way the next time you come in to make you happy.

    Please also keep in mind that problems with the food or how long it takes for your food to get to you ARE NOT THE WAITRESS'S FAULT! That's the kitchen's fault, we can't help it and we have to deal with pissed off customers all the time, it's just not fair. However, if you ask us to get you extra napkins or a drink refill or something and we take 10 minutes to do it, then we probably don't deserve anything more than 15%. (Keep in mind that we might forget though, especially if it's busy, and reminding always helps) :-)

  13. this question is one asked by many people. its hard to give a clear cut answer. if you are in the hospitality industry, there is the expection i would say of 18 to 20 percent. but if you look at what people actually tip, its more along the lines of 14 to i would say 19. ok not in all cases. the biggest problem too i think is the rules on tipping. do you include a larger tip if you bought an expensive bottle of wine or do you tip on the food service. the thing is that people will tip more when they have money and less when the economy is not so good. but in general i would say that a fair minimum is at least 19 percent. i

  14. I'm a server so im very critical of my service. However i will never ever leave less then double tax no matter how bad they are. Likewise if im leaving an average tip if they're horrible if they're great i will leave an above average tip 20-25%. I believe that no matter how expensive eating out gets when you decide to go to a restaurant you automatically agree to leave a decent tip.

  15. I usually give 20 percent.  That's pretty generous since it should really only be 10 or 15.   If it's really good service from a hot chick w/ a big bosom then I'll give 25.

  16. 18%

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