
If your sister-in-law and mother -in-law constantly put you down,?

by  |  earlier

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would you leave especially when your husband is mental?




  1. Let me assure you that they probably realize that when they put you down, they see it bothers you.  Remember that there is no one better than any other, and the best thing to do is kill them with kindness!  You can never go wrong by doing that  

  2. It sounds like your SIS and MIL are tag-teaming you .. plus, treating you unfairly and not very nice.   Stay completely away from them .. don't respond to what they say - just let them talk their talk .. and put them farrrrrrrrrrrr out of your mind, heart, and association.

    How 'mental' is he ?   If he's really bad - how much can you stand of him?   How much can you take?

    He should be standing up for you with him mother and sister.   If he's not - then you may not have much going with him.

    Evaluate your relationship with him.  Then seriously think about what you need to do.

  3. Your husband should come to your defense.  I don't know what you mean, "when your husband is mental".  If he's mentally ill and unable to talk to them, try to speak to them when you're not upset.  Tell them to stop the put downs, you don't like it.

    If they continue, don't be around them.  Let your husband see them on his own.  Why subject yourself to abuse?

  4. first I would ask myself is there any good reason they would do this, is any of it true. If in true fullness you can say no. then you have your answer, yes leave, best of luck

  5. of course that means they dont like you and dont need you

  6. You need to work it out with your hubby here and don't listen to what they say here! They putting is because they jealous of you for some odd reason here!And you need to find out what their problem here putting you down!

  7. Well,i would keep my distance from them.I don't know what you mean by your husband being mental,but if he thinks if they are right or takes their side,he can join them.

  8. My mom told me something recently that totally makes sense. "What you allow you encourage."  So by you allowing the put downs by your in laws, you're encouraging the bad behavior. Do yourself a favor and get out now.

  9. yes

  10. What are you waiting for?  You are surrounded by abusive people.  Leave them.

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