
If your smart....?

by  |  earlier

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can you help me?!

13. Choose the answer that identifies the elliptical clause.

Oh, you dive so much better than I.

Oh, you

you dive

so much better

than I

14. Choose the answer that identifies the elliptical clause.

Victor plays golf more often than baseball, which is quite popular in the neighborhood.

golf more often

than baseball

which is quite popular

which is quite popular in the neighborhood

15. Choose the answer that best completes the elliptical clause.

While rummaging through the attic, the man found an old picture that was worth a million dollars.

While he rummaging through the attic

While he was rummaging through the attic

that picture was worth a million dollars

that was worth a million dollars to a collector




  1. If we are smart?

    What about learning to do it, and gain the needed "wisdom" to do your work in the future, instead of asking others to do your work for you.

    Now that would be the smart thing to do.

  2. Join us dear so you don't need to ask  "The Smarts" to do your assignment.

  3. No its not my smart.

    However I am smart enough to know the difference between the word "your" which suggests that something belongs to the person addressed, and "you're" which is a contraction made up of the words "you are".  

    That is why I said its not my smart... in case you  aren't smart enough to figure out what that statement means.
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