
If your son was drafted to another club would you change teams barrack for him or stick with your old team?

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Many youngsters get drafted by teams their families don't support so would family loyalty outway loyalty to your team?




  1. Molly, very good question and having two sons playing footy, I would firstly pause supporting my team and focus totally on the club he was playing for, until he retired. However if he continued to coach I would just follow him and his club. A harder question is if my two sons played for different clubs and were versing each other, I would hope for a draw and that both have successful games.

  2. If my son got drafted I'd hope he did well but some teams I'd never support even with him in their side.  Who is the dill who put the spelling mistake in - "outway"?

  3. I would never change from my original team.

    I would barrack for my son's team when they were playing someone else as I would want him to enjoy success but if his team played the team I supported I would like my son to do well - in a beaten side!

    I still have a soft spot for the team I first played with in a country league & follow them closely. When truely aligned to a team a true supporter will never abandon them.

  4. commenting on this comment

    "what's more important .. your team or your son... "

    Sorry but THEY ARE TWO different things ..

    I don't have a son .. BUT if I did .. I would STILL support my old team First and foremost even if it was HIS team playing mine....because he won't be playing football FOREVER ..

    Now that doesn't mean that I wouldn't care how his team went ...and it certainly doesn't mean that I wouldn't cheer him on .. because I would... and I would be happy when his team won ( for him ) .. except when they played my team...

    My son would still be my son .. he wouldn't be disowned for playing for an opposition team ( although ... If it was carlton he was drafted too .. IT MIGHT COME VERY CLOSE ...).. and I would imagine he wouldn't expect me to drop years of tradition..

  5. I think I would end up following both teams...

    I love the team I go for (StKilda). If my son was to be drafted to another club that would not change my loyalty to the Saints. So, I think I would support my son's team as well as StKilda.

    ..and when they play against each other, I would barrack for my team as well as my son... and it wouldn't matter who won (for me though.. for my son would be another story! he's just lost a game!)

    ..oh by the way.. I don't have a son.. I was just 'speaking' hypothetically ;) Go Saints! :D

  6. id barrack for my team, but id then have a soft spot for the team my son plays for.

  7. **I'd stick with my team but would obviously take a whole new interest in the club that he got drafted to.

    If you were to change teams out of loyalty to your son you could be faced with more problems if you had more than one son that got drafted to different footy teams.  Take the Selwood parents for example.  They have three sons playing AFL, all playing for different teams in three different states!**

  8. Yeah, unless it was Collingwood! Nah just joking, if i had a kid i would support him/her with what ever they would do! Even if it meant changing footy teams, but i would still secretly barrack for Essendon. Lol!

  9. I would still barrack for my team.

    Yes it would be hard when his playing my team,but I think when that happens I would go for the team his playing for,only for that

  10. i'll barrack for both teams

  11. This happens all the time Molly,  now how do i put this without giving it away, OK, i have a couple of cousins playing in the AFL,   their father was a mad Demons man,  so were these two young fellas,  but as soon as they were drafted to clubs, they both had to forget their demons and so did my uncle and auntie.

    Even the grandfather who i might ad was a mad tiger man,  even has his garage door painted like a tiger jumper,  he now barrack for one of those other teams.   It is a capital offence to swap from Richmond to the team i mean too.

    Personally i like to watch both play and find myself watching their teams but i could never barrack for either team they are involved with.   NEVER!!!!!.

    Good question though, if it was my kid,  the answer would be the same, i just could not do it,   I would go and watch him play  but would never support any other side.

  12. Its no big deal , FOOTY CLUBS are all the same , just different faces doing similar jobs at each club, the biggest difference being  the COLOURS they wear !   Malthouse was a 2 time premiership coach at West Coast , he is now dedicated to Collingwood .   Ackermanis was a 3 time  Premiership player at Brisbane , and is now dedicated to the Bulldogs, and there is JUDD at Carlton , Mal Micheal at Essendon, and so on and so on, as I said its no big deal.

  13. I'd follow my sons career and hope he does well when he plays, but i would still barrack for the team i've always followed.

  14. Good question!   I'd support my team AND my son.   Unless they played against each other of course.

    Then I'd disown him!

  15. My Cousin is Darren Steel, He played for Nth Melbourne about 12  years ago. His family switched to the Roos and even my Dad and granny started barracking for the roos. I could not barrack for anyone but the Hawks, even if i wanted too.

  16. I'm sorry, but I'd stay with the team I support. I would be happy if my child's team won, but I'd still barrack for my original team. I know it sounds a little mean! Once a Collingwood supporter, always a Collingwood supporter.

    Great Question =)

    Romper, I'm guessing one of those people played for Collingwood?

  17. GOOD question Molly,but i just couldn't stop following the blue boys,best case scenario would be my son played for the blues worst case he played for Collingwood because id be forced to go and watch him play in a side that i struggle to watch the 2 times they play Carlton now let alone a whole season :(

  18. What is more important to you? A team? Or your son?

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