
If your spirit astral travel in space, got sucked up by a black hole, would you be able to get out?

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You know...them black holes that sucks and eat up everything in space in it's rocks, sand, even light.




  1. of course you can get out. Spirits are not matter, black holes only consume matter.

  2. Of course! Because God is Everywhere and in Everything, good or 'bad'. I'll be fine :)

  3. Well, since consciousness is an emergent property of our physical manifestation and therefore the existence of a separate "spirit" or "soul" is simply an illusion, no. But even if such a thing existed one would expect it to have some measurable mass and is therefore subject to the same physical laws as anything else sucked into a black hole so, again, no.

  4. Let me go find out.

  5. That all depends on what an astral traveler is. Is it material, is it affected by gravity? Does it have inertial mass? Does it even exist?  The answer all depends on your opinion of what "stuff" an astral traveler is, if there is even such a thing. If the astral traveler doesn't have inertial mass, then it won't be sucked into a black hole to begin with.

  6. I don't think so.  Black holes are physical, and astral is not bound by the physical.  Get good enough at it, you can fly in astral travel, which defies the laws of physics on earth.  

    Let me astral travel to a black hole and find out.... AAAHHHH!  Heeeeelllllppp........*

    Haha, just kidding.  I get bounced back.  Black hole is like a whirlpool and does not want me in.  Oh well.

  7. well if your a spirit your weightless right. right and gravity only effects things with weight right. so a black hole would not effect you at all

  8. I dont know..???? want to try it, and see what happens, ill only go with someone else, to hold my hand,...Ill try anything thats for sure....LOL...

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