
If your spouse asked you to walk around the bedroom with shoes on your knees?

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because he/she wants to make love to a "little person" how would you react?




  1. I would LMAO!!!! Seriously!

  2. Wow.  This may be a symptom of a rather disturbing fetish trying to manifest itself.  One way to tell is have them watch Willie Wonka or Wizard of Oz.  If the spouse in question becomes sexually aroused during the scenes with Oompa-Loompas or munchkins, you are in serious trouble.  You should consider having the spouse with  'little person' inclinations undergo a psychiatric evaluation.  Or you can selfishly cash in on the problem by catering to this fetish, recording sexual escapades with dwarfs and midgets and opening your own pornographic website.

  3. I say do it and take some pic's. LOL

  4. ROFL

  5. I'd ask him to walk around the bedroom the same way =)


  6. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha lmao. wait lol, ha ha ha ha ha, that is hilarious. I would not do it, what the h**l? I'm sorry, that is one fetish better left untouched.

  7. Oh man, your wife is gonna be pissed...HAHA!

    What would I do? I'd tell him no.  

  8. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHHHHHHAHAHAHH... ha. omg. loll

  9. I'd say he/she has a 'little' growing up to do! ROFL

  10. LMAO! I'd say - you go first!

  11. lmfao.

    I'd do it.  That is an easy fantasy you could fill.  Everyone has there own little wants and desires.  I think it is great that the two of you are open in this regard.  I might be a little off if they wanted to urinate on you or something.  But hey....little person fantasy...have at it

  12. i think your wife needs a prescription for Zoloft and quick!

  13. TROLL

  14. i would laugh my butt off and do it anyway

  15. Oh my gosh I would laugh.  

  16. I once wore boots that went up to my knees, does that count?

  17. I would be laughing too much to reply. Then I would be touched that he was trying to even up the score. I mean, I've made love to his very little person on a regular basis!

  18. Oh my god, LMFAO. I've seen people with shoes on there knees and that is funny sh*t right there, BUT wanting to have s*x with someone in them is another thing... Hilarious!

  19. LMAO! right now and that would also be my reaction to the question at hand  

  20. My husband already does make love to a little person i'm only 5'1 lol.

  21. hahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahaha that is what i would say  

  22. No problemo, I would just put a set of spurs on the shoes first.  

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