
If your spouse dies, do you keep their wedding band?

by  |  earlier

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Or do you bury them with it? What about any other jewelry they might have worn daily?




  1. That is totally up to you. You can do whatever you want with it. I think I would want to keep it.

  2. i would for memories

  3. I would keep it and probably put in on a necklace or something. Any other jewelry I would also keep.

  4. My husband would be buried with his wedding band.  It's not like he stopped being my husband just because he passed away...and I'm not some materialistic freak that thinks I need to keep it because it costed so much either...

  5. When my father died my mother took his wedding band. of course they were separated. if you feel its right then bury it with them. while i was on vacation we went to the huge cemetery and beside the graves people would put beer bottles and containers from McDonald's, which would symbolize things that they enjoyed during their life on earth. I personally would bury the wedding band with them as well as a necklace etc. that they liked. I think it would symbolize that they were still alive in my heart, as they would be wearing something they would usually wear.

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope this helps.

  6. Anything they wore everyday should be buried with them. It's always a good idea to talk about these kind of things before such things happen.

    And to the people who talked about pawning such things, you live in a trailer park, right ? Jeeezzz.

  7. You would keep the jewerly. A neat idea if they left any pendatnts or anything is to have their piece of jewerly melted onto yours.

  8. i would keep them, something that precious is worth keeping for the good memories, like your wedding, not their death. and if u have kids or someone like that, then you can pass it down to them when they get married. if u dont want to keep it then give it to ur spouses parents or someone that would enjoy it, like their siblings...

  9. Actually, where I come from, the surviving spouse usually removes his or her wedding band and places it on the deceased spouse's finger.  The spouse is then interred with the ring.  Some folks, though, keep both rings and either sell them, use them as a down payment on a new set of rings, or even go so far as to have them melted down into keepsakes for the couple's children.  My cousin dealt with a profound tragedy by having his late wife's wedding band and his own both re-sized and giving them to his son and future daughter-in-law as special keepsakes when they married.  The young couple decided to honor both his parents by giving each other the rings during their wedding ceremony.  There wasn't a dry eye in the place; everybody knew the story of those rings.  Even the pastor needed a tissue...

  10. Hmm... Good question...(thinking)...

    I THINK I would want to bury them with their favorite jewelry on...

    But it's a really hard decision to make, especially at a moment like that.

    I can't say for sure cause (thankfully) I've never been in that situation, and hopefully won't ever be...

  11. i would keep it

  12. I believe the funeral home returns it to you.  The did for my Grandma, step mom and mother in law, anyway.

  13. i would personally keep the wedding band and wear it on my right middle finger

    for the other jewelry i would also keep it so i can give it to my son/daughter  

  14. Wedding band should be buried. Other jewely should be removed and handed down as keepsakes.

  15. I think it would be nice to keep.  Not to pawn or scrap, but more as a reminder of them.  Sorry for your (or whoevers) loss  

  16. I think it is really up to the widower.  One of the drivers I work with, his wife died just two months ago.  He carries her wedding band on a necklace around his neck.  

    My mom has mentioned when she goes one of us girls (me or my sister) will get her ring.  I think it should stay with our dad until he is ready to let it go!

  17. personal choice.

  18. i would bury the ring with him

    unless you have childen to just

    pass it done as something to

    remember him by.

  19. You can either bury it or keep it. It is really your choice on what you want to do. I would keep it so I can visually see it daily, but it is up to you.

  20. I would bury them with theirs, and keep mine until I was ready to move on.

    As far as the REST of their jewelry, I would ask the rest of the family to take what they wanted, and I would likely pawn the rest of it... unless I had kids I wanted to pass it on to.  

  21. Most people keep it otherwise the people putting the coffin in the ground may steal it.

  22. I would keep it and wear with my necklace.

  23. I would keep it.

  24. Do not bury it with them - unless they are being placed in a sealed vault. If you do you'll only be giving the cemetery care givers some extra cash.

    I wouldn't bury precious family heirlooms - pass them on to grand children or children - or the living spouse can keep them but be sure to leave a will this time.

  25. Usually the person is buried with their wedding band. In my parents' cases, each was buried with their wedding band and family rings.

  26. When my mom died the funeral home gave my mothers ring to my father.  He gave it to my older sister.  He gave me his ring.  I wear it every day.  It reminds me of the love that I was part of.

  27. Bury them with it.

  28. most bury their loved ones in their regular jewelry.  others keep it as a keepsake and pass it down through the family.  

  29. When my father died, my mother kept his wedding rings. Any other jewelry that they wore daily, I think should be buried with them.

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