
If your team doesn't make the playoffs will you root for another team?

by Guest32616  |  earlier

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If your team doesn't make the playoffs will you root for another team?




  1. If the dodgers don't make it, I'll root for the national league. I hate the american league

  2. No! Unless the Mets make the playoffs.

    My two favorite teams; The Cubs & whoever is playing the Mets.

  3. I am a die hard Yankee fan but I have to say my passion, if they don't make the playoffs will be for the team that beats the Rays.  C'mon, they shouldn't even be above five hundred this time of year!!  What's the world coming to?  Then I'll root for a NL team, hopefully the Mets.

  4. If the Yankees don't make it, then there are two other teams that I would like to see win it. It will be either the Rays or the Cubs.

  5. I won't root for another team until the world series.  Then I'll root for the AL (unless its the White Sox).

  6. Yes my team is the marlins if they don't make it go red sox.

  7. Ya

    my thing is, if the Giants dont make the Playoffs, I root for the NL in Genral

  8. Yeah, but I'll switch leagues.  I'm a Diamondbacks fan and I don't want to cheer for any of the teams that beat me to get to the playoffs, so I'll cheer for someone from the American League- probably Tampa Bay, since I saw them play in May, or whoever wins the AL Central.

  9. Nope.  Ill watch the playoff games and pay attention, but i wont specifically root for another unless i have money on it. :P

  10. If the Yankees don't make it, I won't really have a rooting interest - other than seeing the Red Sox lose. If neither team makes it (and let's hope Boston doesn't), I won't really care.  

  11. well, my team hasn't made the playoffs in forever so i've kinda grown used to it. This year it's the Rays. It's not bandwagon. Also, I liked the Rays since they were the Devil Rays a.k.a. the bad team

  12. If the White Sox don't make it I will have a favorite yes, but it's not like that team would replace the White Sox.

    Last year my Sox were not in the playoffs and I did root for the Red Sox. Normally if the White Sox are not in the playoffs I choose an American League team and root for them. This has never changed me liking the White Sox. The White Sox are and always will be my #1 team.  

  13. I am a baseball addict.  The Cubs will make the playoffs so I don't have to worry.  My other team is the Yankees.  I am a bit concerned but I would rather turn off the tv than root for the Red Sox.  A true fan will never root for another team especially the rival.

  14. yes, i root for another team. I usually go for the underdogs or the teams that haven't won for awhile. I know there are some people who don't watch post season games if their team is not in it but i don't. I like watching the WS and stuff like that I find it more fun if i root for someone :)

  15. Yes. Since my favorite team (Oakland A's) aren't in the playoff's I root for my second favorite team, they should be in the playoffs. =]

    Good Question, here's a star.

  16. If the White Sox don't make it, then I'll be rooting for the Cubs.

  17. I typically will order the teams I'd like to see win, but I will watch the games objectively.

    Last Year's World Series put me to sleep though.  Rockies were outmatched and shouldn't have been there.

  18. Anybody playing the Red Sox or Cubs

  19. If the sox don't make it i would cheer for the cubs. the cubs and their fans really deserve this and i think they have a great chance to win it all this year.

  20. yea

    Im an A''s fan and they are struggling. I may go for Tampa Bay or the winner of the Central Division

  21. Favorite Teams are - Twins, Angels, Rays, Cubs, and Mets...

    These were my favorite teams at the start of the year.

  22. The Cubs, Rays and Brewers are all possibilities one of them will be my Team If the Red Sox lose the Wild Card to either the Twins or White Sox.

  23. Well, it's not looking too bright for either of my teams right now... (Rangers and O's). So yes, I will be cheering for another team.

    I'll probably be cheering for the Cubs, just because it's about time they won a championship.

  24. Well, I'm hoping my Brewers can make the playoffs for the first time since 1982 :)

    But obviously they havn't been in it in so long that i have become accustomed to rooting for other teams

    I really hope the Rays make it to the world series this year. and in the NL lets go brewers! but really anyone but the cubs.....

  25. My #1 Choice is the Chicago CUBS and I firmly believe that this is OUR Year, but a lot of that hinges on staying healthy (injury free) and continuing to get good pitching.  We know the line-up is powerful and when they are on their game, they can beat just about anybody.    

    CUBS ARE GREAT.....IN 2008

    If they don't make it, I'll root for the Milwaukee Brewers in the NL and the White Sox in the AL.  If Sox don't make it, like to see Tampa do it, as they haven't before.  Boston used to be my favorite, but now, they've won it a couple times, so let's give another team a chance

  26. Yeah, if the Sox don't make it, then I root for the strongest A.L. team left in the race.

    (Except for the Yankees, of course. Them, I ALWAYS root against!)

  27. Yes I do. So the whiners who dislike bandwagon fans can wash my panties. I watch the whole season every season. It is impossible to watch the post season for me without rather preferring one team over the other. If I cheered for the Rockies or the Red Sox last year, it was because neither is my team, I like both, and invariably one would have something that made me pull for them some. Go to hlel, bandwagon haters.

  28. Of course. I'm a baseball fan first; Mariners fan second.

    In every series I will probably pick one team I'm hoping wins more than the other. Sometimes two teams I like play each other, I just hope for a good exciting series and enjoy it no matter who wins.

  29. No. I won't even watch. That is why there is hockey and basketball.  

  30. If the White Sox can't get much done,then probably not.I always watch the playoffs,but I don't usually root for a specific team.Although I've always found it funner when you are rooting for someone.Depends who's in i guess.

  31. Of course. I love baseball so while I'd be very disappointed, I'd root for another team. Just not the Cubs or the Brewers. lol  

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