
If your team doesn't win the premiership who do you want to win?

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and who would you least like to win?




  1. As a Brisbane fan ... I hope Geelong wins it

    I would hate West Coast or either SA teams to win ... cant stand the any of them

  2. I would want Brisbane to win.

    I don't want geelong to win because i hate Geelong.

  3. Cant honestly say i would want anyone to win. i watch other teams to see someone get beaten. least of all to win, colliwobbles. tho i hope they make it just so i can watch em lose another gf.

  4. I would like to see the Cats win it, its been a long time for them, and they are playing exciting footy this year.

    Least, Collingwood, of course! Although I dont think they are much of a chance anyway. The wobbles are setting in....


    i am a geelong supporter though. we have been so close and i think we will finally get one.

  6. Geelong because they have worked hard all season and deserve it. I don't want any of the teams like Essendon, Hawks and Carlton to win because its time for other clubs to come up and win a few flags!

  7. Geelong, it would make the old man happy and least West Coast, just sick of hearing about them

  8. I want Collingwood to win (other than Geelong, whom I barrack for), I hate most of their fans etc. but I know a few of the players personally so just to make them happy.

    I really don't want the Kangaroos to win. Personal dislike.

  9. WCE supporter.

    I would like to see the Dockers win if WCE didn't but in an all WA team grand final.

    My most despised team is the Western Bulldogs but I would hate to see Collingwood win because they would gloat about it so much.


  10. a Victorian team

    SYDNEY, they are a joke and the supporters are no brainers

    GO SWANNNNNIES!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I want see North Melbourne win the Premiership, I have a soft spot for the Kangaroo's.

    The team I least want to win a Premiership is Port Adelaide.

  12. IVE never been a big rap for Geelong so i don't care how long its been since they won a granny,i hope Hawthorn or the doggies win out of the lot that are in the eight at the moment,and the least would be west coast or Adelaide

  13. If the Swans can't do it again I think Geelong deserve it this year. I just don't want to see any Eagles involved in the GF this year- which seems to be quite common.

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